Bass fishing in the winter and pre spawn time is the perfect time to fish jerkbaits and other slow moving lures. Ins this tournament fishing vlog video, I am fishing with Grant against 2 other teams including Andrew Flair and The Fish Whisperer. We are in winter but the warm weather and high water temps from the power plant lake have the surface temps in the low 70’s. This has convinced the largemouth bass that they need to start getting ready to spawn. Grant and I are are fishing drains creek drains leading into major spawning flats using a jerkbait and a jig. Jerkbait fishing is perfect for this time of year where bass are suspending in upper half of the water column to warm up. Fishing a bass jig on the bottom can also be effective at targeting docks and trees that around close to these spawning flats and the creek channels leading into them. This lake had standing timber in it, which made it very easy to see exactly where the creek channels are and it created a map of where the bass are moving in and out of. We found the the smaller male bass were moving up on the flats when the sun came out to start feeding and getting ready to make beds for the big female largemouth bass. The bigger bass liked to stay along the creek drains close to the timber. We targeted these big bass by throwing the jerkbaits and jig as close to the cover as possible and using a few seconds of pauses between hops and jerks. Bass fishing these creek drains with jerkbaits and jigs can be a pattern for catching big bass in winter all the way through the post spawn.
Andrew Flair –
Fish Whisperer –
Justin Stokes –
Grant –
Charlie –
Jake –
Justin Rackley, known as Lakeforkguy in the fishing world, creates fishing and outdoor videos on youtube and other social platforms. LFG provides fishing tips and techniques for mostly largemouth bass fisheries but also travels to other freshwater and saltwater fishing spots to explore new fish species and fishing techniques to show as many fishing places as possible and help you catch more fish. Lakeforkguy likes to hang out on any fishing vessel or go bank fishing with his other YouTube Fishing friends and vlog with his Wife Stephanie and french bulldog Winston.
Shimano Metanium MgL (On the Jig Rod) –
Curado 70 XG (On the Spoon rod) –
Citica 200HG (On Jig Rod) –
Jig Rod 1 – Shimano Zodias 7’2″ Medium Heavy
Jig Rod 2 – G Loomis NRX 854 Jig and Worm
Spoon Rod – G Loomis IMX 954 Jig and Worm
15LB Berkley Big Game
DSLR Camera (Panasonic GH4) –
Static Shot (Gopro Hero 4 Black) –
Metabones Speedbooster 4/3 EF Mount –
Canon 24-105mm L Lens –
Rokinon 14mm WIDE –
Sony UWPD11/42 Lavalier Microphone –
Gopro Chesty Lav Mic (Cheap) –
DSLR Shot Gun Mic –
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SNAPCHAT – LakeForkGuy
lfg is a tool
We need to fish together one day man!
Didn't that Grant kid catch a Texas state record? thats the way i like to catch bass buf havent yet here in Michigan.just a few small ones.whats a good bait to use in mid August?
found bass on beds about 40 total. could see them but they would not bite do you have suggestion
Grant needs his own channel
Nice job Grant. LFG, thanks for the opportunity to showcase the younger anglers. Great job on the video as well.
Is that kid obsessed fishing
Why do you have a tungsten head on the Jig?
nothing better than bass thumb!!
Not hating or anything but who tf is Grant and why is he in like all the youtubers vids
Grant is awesome, get him in some more vids!
Grant.. The real pro of this video.
Good vid… Grant is a good stick and could be my co-angler any day!
What is that mic called you plug into your go pro?
What are the bass doing on Fork?
what do you think about an e6x 854 for 3/8 and under jigs
I nice videos πππ
Hey LFG! Can you teach me how to locate creek drains and flats on a sonar? And what does a creek channel look like on a sonar? What do you look for in order to find it? Thanks and keep up the great videos!
Way to go Grant ! Great young Man there ! Fishing is Livin!
i thought u and jon b were same people lol
How you going to be Lake Fork Guy without at least a 24" board?
You guys killed em! Very nice
Awesome video
anybody know any good luers to throw in the lil colder weather that will also work during the warmer
That Grant boy seems like a real good kid. Good day of fishing.
Hey Justin, what kind of jerkbait is that man?
Fayette lake has some pigs in it
What rod and reel set up is that first fish caught on
what lake is this?
OK, I am sure that someone is going to jump right smack into me for this. Big motor running and no life vest? I, myself, am an avid fisherman, fished many tournaments and am 67 years old. Not a good example for younger fisherman for women. As you have fished many big tournaments you know that no one starts the big motor without the vest on. I have seen this on YouTube by many but still must talk about it. I have lost 3 friends to accidents and no vest. Had they had a vest on they all would still be fishing with me today. Please donβt take this the wrong way but we need to set a good example. I do enjoy the videos and you are a good example for our young people. God Bless young man.
Aren't you suppose to put water on the ruler before you put the fish on it?
Good to be back catching fish
Justin, Justin, Justin, I have to laugh dude. You are taking these 15 – 16" bass and chucking them out of the boat like they were nothing. "I" cannot fathom catching that amount of quality fish. YES, you were in a tournament of sorts but WOW, what a rush. Maybe some day God will let me have a day like that. Great video and thanks for the tips. God Bless and Tight Lines. Oh yeah, I sad in the beginning I have to laugh, it hides the tears well !!! LOL are a man of good character and integrity… treated justin with such respect… Truly would love fishing with you some time!! happy new year to you and your wife!!
Do you have an LFG sweater for sale?
What's up Mr LakeForkGuy, what color, size, and type of jig were you using and trailer? I am one of your biggest fans and watch you all the time.
I like the beat you dropped around 8:00 in. It made me want to go into a field and smash a copy machine. For you younger kids, that was an Office Space reference.
That boy Grant is mellow, I'd fish with him and I'm twice his age
Justin, sent you a new snap chat request and message if you are able to reply. I have a question for you and need some help.
Can you do a giveaway Ps: everyone like so it will happen
I bet after fishing with grant showed you how much you would love to have a son to teach him how to fish and fish together
Why do you use a spinning reel for jerkbait instead of a casting reel you use for moving baits like a crank.
Great video! I have a question – how do you know when it's pre-spawn? Is it time of year? What is the difference in bass behavior from winter to pre-spawn?