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How to Fish Spoons for Bass

Send me you questions at twitter and instagram @LAKEFORKGUY

Want more spoon tips? Check out an article on flutter spoons I wrote here.

Lake Fork Trophy Lures Flutter Spoons

Bass Pro Wind Rider Spoons

Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Wow. Ran across this old video. Excellent content. And man how the videos have changed. You've came a long way, brother. Congrats. And thanks for the content

  2. Very good tutorial. I've had limited success with spoons. I've only caught fish on the Mepps Cyclops. I've had no success with either the Dardevle or the Williams Whitefish spoon. I will try your technique and see if it helps.

  3. I use a 5'4" long, one-handed (my rod stops about 1" behind the reel and the one-handed grip is in front of the reel leg/foot), medium action spinning rod with moderate action tip and 8 lbs mono line. I cast up to 4" spoons and have no problems casting, giving the spoons action, nor setting the hook. I catch plenty of big bass with my setup. I can play out and reel in big bass with my setup because I don't try to man-handle the fish in quickly like professional anglers with long, powerful rods and high test lines do. The professional anglers man-handle bass in quickly because in tournaments they need to get as many bass (preferably big ones) as possible in the time limit. That's not necessary for non-professional bass anglers who fish recreationally (fishing solely for the enjoyment of it). It's only necessary in sport fishing (fishing in competition with others). It's sad people don't know the difference between recreational fishing and sport fishing, and go for long powerful rods and high test lines just because the pros have to use that stuff and misleadingly tell everyone that's what everyone needs to use.

  4. I live in far Northern Wisconsin and am already itching for Spring Fishing. I don't ice-fish, and Winters are long up here. I can usually still catch decent largemouth below dams into early November, but then everything slows down from there. 🙁 How do you feel about Mepps Cyclops spoons? I've done well with them for Northern Pike and Salmon/Steelhead.

  5. Holy Cah-Moly! Those bass are whoppers!!
    I like to use a Daiwa 120XA underspin or Zebco 33 underspin reel using plain green tint 10lb. mono on a seven foot limber, soft action.
    What a way to catch bucketmouths!! Spoons!!

  6. Hey man hows it going? Enjoy the Videos! Do you use Mono on all your reels? My buddy swears by the Braided line and I'm giving it a try, not sure how I feel about it yet haha whats your thoughts on that?

  7. A pro fishermen told me to always fish a spoon with your rod tip down to make the spoon look more natural and so its easier to set the hook when you pull back is this true or is your way of keeping the rod at 10 o' clock another way…?

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