This crystal clear lake in Ohio is absolutely LOADED with bass!
#OhioFishing #BassFishing #jonboat
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I think that’s kind of weird to say. Nobody knows how to fish this lake, but we don’t even know what you’re talking about.
When i start making videos with my son this year to get him his warmouth fix i won't be keeping the spots this secret. I might not name it specific but I'll at least give you nearby locations. Once you do the research you should figure it out.
My guess it’s southern Ohio somewhere , probably the old AE power lakes
What Lake are you fishing?
Correct me if I’m wrong but for the people asking, I think this is the upper Sandusky resivrior
Everybody knows
Which lake is it?
what lake is this?
I've searched several times and never found a four-leaf clover
Did you open up a spot in Sebring cuz there a place 3 blocks from my house that just opened called cast cray
Where in Ohio is this if I may ask
Really neat to make the video and not share the location.
Just caught an 8lb 4oz largemouth out of that same pond in mid april
Fishing with the family is priceless.. when she said oh shit.. i lost it lol..
Where is the lake? Someone can tell the address? We are new here! Thanks!
Been fishing here a lot love this place lots of different ponds
What rod and reel are those ones because I’ve been looking for a rod and reel and the one you got looks pretty cool
hmmmm, never seen that lake before.
Only in ohio
If you don’t mind what part of ohio is this.
Where is this
Is this cowan
What color worked best for you?
What’s the name of the lake???
The big bass are in the surrounding ponds. Ask me how I know
Took my daughter a few places in Northern Panhndle WV last weekend. Like one hit. Bummer. Take me here. Blindfold me if you gotta.
What lake is this?
I got a private lake beside my house in southern ohio loaded with monster bass. We need to go!
New sub ! Liked

New sub ! Liked

The “oh shit” killed me