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Paul Tormanen won over $70,000 and was well known in the FLW, BASS, and other tournament circuits, and then he got caught CHEATING…. So many Frauds out here.

#fishingcheater #cheater #scandal

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Paul lives up the street from me in Raymore- Big drunk… went to jail , crashed into neighbors garage all drunked up. Begged her not to call the cops. A total asshat.

  2. I kinda listened to the video while I was reading all the comments about the distracting gum about to fall out of your mouth. I usually don’t comment much but I would have paid attention more. I hate cheaters.

  3. I got into bass tournament fishing and then out all in the same year due to the cheating and egos. You have half the field that are good people and the other half that would cheat the first chance that they could. I seen a guy in our club wait till everyone else had their fish weighed and then had the scales re-zeroed because the scales clearly where giving a low weight. The issue is everyone else had let their fish go so he had 2-3lbs on everyone for free. This wasn't a new guy but one of the guys on the board. So that was the end of my short bass fishing career.

  4. Cheating has always been and always will be a problem when money is involved. Doesn't matter if it's tournaments or elections. I'm kinda an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth kinda guy. Anglers should make him wish he hadn't of done that, law enforcement should turn a blind eye.

  5. They need to disappear. Its disgusting, especially to all of us who were brought up fishing, with wonderful fishing memories of fishing with our fathers, then an asshole like this cheater comes along. DISAPPEAR (Tourmanin) dude.

  6. The dude chace the walleye cheater lives in my town. I’ve seen him out mowing his yard. I don’t think it bothers him much. He has been in trouble since then. I heard something he gave his son counterfit money to go bowling. And got caught with that as well. Also got in trouble for domestic abuse to his girlfriend. Dude is no good. Im sure the little trouble from cheating didn’t affect him at all. To bad they didn’t slam him with way more than the slap on the wrist

  7. Its a shame that there are videos out there like these and channels exist because of cheaters. Not knocking you or others for the videos, just that these dirtbags are among us.
    Some people just suck.

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