
2024 Bassmaster Elite Live at Lake Fork, TX – Toyota Mid-Day Report – Day 2

2024 Bassmaster Elite Live at Lake Fork, TX – Toyota Mid-Day Report – Day 2
#teamtoyota @toyotausa

Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. I see were still paying the guys the same as 40 years ago🙄 Raise the purse and let the money pressure factor be a thing again! It will give the veterans that added deal that they don't have nor does anyone for that matter..idc what you say big $$ puts big pressure on guys who sometimes can't handle it and makes for alot more dramatics. Whens the last time anyone mentioned the money in a good way on stage?? Il be here waiting..

  2. A sad day for me. I've been bassin for 61 yrs. and I knew this would come…'' electronic fishishing ''. You don't need any skill or experience, just keep you face in a screen until you see fish and hammer away until they hit.

  3. Boy I did terrible in fantasy this week.. gonna have to adjust obviously because the rookies are kicking ass and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. Oh well I'm rolled up and ready to watch live fishing tomorrow am👍♥️🐟💪

  4. I just love watching them catch fish, what was boring was watching the OGs casting and casting and casting and casting ugh ! And when did they give Wong his own creek,the way he was looking at mr Milliken like if he dared get close to him he was gonna karate chop him or something,Wong is very irritating to listen to! Go Ben😊

  5. Shout out to the anglers today for staying engaged with the fans. FFS can be hard to watch but if the anglers teach and entertain it can still be enjoyable. Good work guys

  6. The professional fisherman are not the same today as in times past. More than 3/4 of them can’t fish without livescope. NO LONGER should they be called bassmasters. Maybe electronics masters. Complete TRASH!!

  7. I believe the future of bass and BASS are hanging in the balance with what is going on. My caring for this sport is fading fast and its sad for me. Man I hate this. Make BASS great again -Randy Blaukat for president

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