Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!
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That same kid chased a 5 lb around for a half an hour after he broke off a jerk bait on it. He managed to catch it again after he chased it for the half hour and it still had the other jerk bait in his mouth. 🤔
Why not have some tournaments that allow FFS and some that do not? Best all around angler wins who mastered all of bass fishing techniques and we can move on from this FFS whining on both sides
I watched a video of the kid leading this nonsense, he was sitting in a spot casting to one particular fish over and over until he finally caught it. The fish was 7.15 and he yells 8 pounder.!! But the point is they find a fish and cast and stare at the screen till it eventually bites. So exciting 🙄
I thought all the crybabies crying about ffs we’re saying they stopped or will stop watching BASS elites? How come they are still here crying about it?
Lot of cry babies in these comments. For me, someone who didn’t grow up with a pro bass fishing father or rich, I love what’s happening with scope. Gives everyone a chance to learn Bass behavior and compete with the guys who were lucky enough to be born into the pro bass fishing club. Anyone hating on scope has obviously never used it.
I just can't watch this crap. It makes no difference what fishing leage your watching all they do anymore is troll around looking for a fish to throw at. These young anglers couldn't catch a fish without it. I would rather watch paint dry. I'm out.
So many people crying about the costs involved in professional fishing. Like any sport it costs money to make it to the top and stay there. As a owner of race cars I can tell you this is cheap for what it cost and what you can make.
I won’t to see the the real Bass Masters break away from this bull 💩 today fishing and have there on league and show how yo really catch fish without 30.000 dollars worth of electronics
Lmao I've literally seen guys staring at beds and guys staring at screens in this tournament and I tell you what it looks the exact same.. so for those who are arguing it's ruining fishing I beg to differ.. just a bunch of Randys out here complaining for no reason lol
The tournaments dominated with “Spotlighting” WILL be known as the “Asterisk” era.
That same kid chased a 5 lb around for a half an hour after he broke off a jerk bait on it. He managed to catch it again after he chased it for the half hour and it still had the other jerk bait in his mouth. 🤔
Instead of reading like a list of who's who the top 10 looks like a list of "who dat"? All because of FFS. 👎
Cmon BASS….be the first to step up and do something about this FFS debacle.
A friend told me B.A.S.S. was catch, weight Release now at Lake Fork. Is this true? I couldn’t watch today. BASS has always had a weight in
Taku Itoの黄色いボートはカッコイイ!
Live scope tournament?
Snooze fest!!!
Why not have some tournaments that allow FFS and some that do not? Best all around angler wins who mastered all of bass fishing techniques and we can move on from this FFS whining on both sides
I watched a video of the kid leading this nonsense, he was sitting in a spot casting to one particular fish over and over until he finally caught it. The fish was 7.15 and he yells 8 pounder.!! But the point is they find a fish and cast and stare at the screen till it eventually bites. So exciting 🙄
Ban Live Scope! They are not breaking any records! The one's who use Live Scope aren't fisherman! Go home and play your video games smh
I thought all the crybabies crying about ffs we’re saying they stopped or will stop watching BASS elites? How come they are still here crying about it?
Lot of cry babies in these comments. For me, someone who didn’t grow up with a pro bass fishing father or rich, I love what’s happening with scope. Gives everyone a chance to learn Bass behavior and compete with the guys who were lucky enough to be born into the pro bass fishing club. Anyone hating on scope has obviously never used it.
Adapt or die.
Is it still possible for Ben to pull off something he had 58 last I heard
I just can't watch this crap. It makes no difference what fishing leage your watching all they do anymore is troll around looking for a fish to throw at. These young anglers couldn't catch a fish without it. I would rather watch paint dry. I'm out.
I use to really look forward to early Saturday and Sunday mornings watching the Elites. I just can’t do it anymore. It’s not fun to watch.
So many people crying about the costs involved in professional fishing. Like any sport it costs money to make it to the top and stay there.
As a owner of race cars I can tell you this is cheap for what it cost and what you can make.
There aren’t any super stars in fishing anymore. Any kid that can afford an extra $40k for electronics can do what they do.
I won’t to see the the real Bass Masters break away from this bull 💩 today fishing and have there on league and show how yo really catch fish without 30.000 dollars worth of electronics
Lmao I've literally seen guys staring at beds and guys staring at screens in this tournament and I tell you what it looks the exact same.. so for those who are arguing it's ruining fishing I beg to differ.. just a bunch of Randys out here complaining for no reason lol
Be professional and tell a guy he has something on his face 😂
I bet those boats cost $160,000 the way they are set up.
Just pls ban live scope. This stuff is a joke. This is destroying fishing. I won't watch this shit.
Watched a total of 5 mins of the should be called Electronics Masters then turned off. This is not fishing……….
Cooper is killing it. Dude only caught 4 day 1 and is still in the top 10.