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YOU Fish It! Could You Outfish Me? Lake Holbrook, East Texas Bass Fishing

Welcome to another episode of You Fish It! Today, we’re on Lake Holbrook in East Texas, chasing winter bass on a warm day. We’re using forward-facing sonar to locate and target fish—and it pays off! But here’s where you come in: What would you do differently? Drop a comment and share your fishing strategies!

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► Reel (Curado 300k):
► Rod (Dobyns Fury 795):
► A-Rig (Shane’s Baits, Mini Blades of Glory):

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► Instagram: @goodman_fishing

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Holbrook is one of my favorites, when the grass is really prominent in the warmer months it’s easy to fish those grass lines with scope and have a really good day. Fishes like a typical east Texas lake

  2. Great video on Lake Holbrook.
    I have never fished Lake Holbrook, but it looks very productive.
    Could you please tell me where you got the tall pole for your Live Scope?
    I would appreciate it.
    Having that pole would help these 76 year old eyes.
    Thank for the video!

  3. Enjoyed the video have fished that lake many times and would not do much different.
    Very similar to other smaller Wood county lakes.
    Shallow bite doesn't seem to exist until water temp is at least 58-60 and without FFS not worth going IMHO.
    Another 3-4 weeks and should be game on.

  4. Really enjoy your channel. From the in depth discussions about the various lithium batteries to your boat, I have a 175 Tracker. Did you make that tube holder for that A rig? I’m trying to find something for mine. They can be a pain to store without them tangling on everything. Thanks in advance.

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