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The 5 Most Overrated Bass Lakes In America…(Don’t Waste Your Money Going To Them)

Randy talks about the most overrated lakes in the country…#bassboat #bassfishing #bassproshop #bassfishinglures #lake

 please check out my Tackle Warehouse black Friday sale at the link below. This is a great way to support the channel if you use this link and I really really appreciate it!

Please check out my fish the moment lake map breakdowns at the link below thank you!

Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Randy being the old grandpa will keep telling people in his 80 “back in my days 40yrs ago fishing was good “

    Little Billy who is 10yrs old with livescope just don’t care lol

  2. I’m a couple hours from Table Rock. Great for recreation but not fishing. My home lake Lake Dardanelle in the Arkansas River Valley was once a great lake. When my 16 year old was young he got a love of fishing catching bass on minnows. He then moved on to fiahing Youth Bass Hawgs. He does well but hates tourneys on our home lake. Big tournaments and college/high school tournaments so often have decimated the lake.

  3. Randy do you want to do a special video, Google Joe Barrett ice boom. And talk about the effects of the ice boom on the entire lower Great Lakes ecosystem that ice boom is killing everything. I'd be happy to do a guest interview with you

  4. Don't like fresh water fishing, you can only catch certain types of fish for that lake, same ole stuff, salt water have to worry about algae bloom, red tides, especially inland waters, so we have a different set of problems, but better varieties of fish we can catch, understood some people have no choice but fresh water because of location, or take up crocheting !

  5. Randy, I have been fishing tournaments for 40+ years mainly in the NE and Florida. . I can't believe how much better the average tournanent guy is now vs years ago , wondering if you agree ??

  6. Randy , all these lakes that you say are no good any more.What is the delayed mortality percentage at the tournaments ??? If the mortality rate is low how does the tournaments hurt the lake other than making the fish harder to catch but shouldn't reduce the numbers !!

  7. After reading the comments and watching the video Im hearing the pressure is awful everywhere. I have been fishing a large well known public lake for bass in the fall for near 20 years now. I have never seen another bass fisherman. A gift in todays world.

  8. Randy, I wish you would send this video to the Lake Havasu, Arizona chamber of commerce. They have allowed that lake to get over-fished every year from February to May. They allow dozens of tournaments every weekend. And, the Winter visiting snowbirds sustenance fish and fill their ice chest every day without being checked for limits. I have spoken to the local tackle shop owners who are stuck in a quandary between selling tackle and watching the lake go downhill.

  9. Hey Randy!, it's idiots like you and the rest of the bass tournament anglers that have ruined countless lakes across the USA! You are a hypocrite! Get a life,,, and more importantly,,,, get a real job!

  10. Can't believe you put Table Rock in the list but didn't even mention Lake of the Ozarks. Same problems as Table Rock, but so much worse. Some days there'll be 2000 or more tournament boats on that lake at the same time. Probably at least 75% of the shoreline is developed, which I absolutely HATE! So many people live on that lake, which means it sees a RIDICULOUS amount of recreational fishing pressure IN ADDITION to the tournament pressure. Plus it sucks to fish because not only are the fish heavily pressured, but also that lake attracts more recreational boat traffic than just about anywhere else in the country. And yet, people still hype it up like it's still as good as it was back in the day

  11. Grand Lake gets a dose of toxic Lead tailings from the nearbyTar Creek superfund reclamation area. Maybe you could honor your memories of Grand Lake by not selling jigs and lures made with toxic Lead and kicking the can down the road for someone else to clean up. Where’s your lead mined?

  12. I’m in California. Where I live there are 4 reservoir’s within an hour. One is terrible due to pressure from fishing and heavy recreational traffic.
    The other three are great. Two are predominantly large mouth and one is smallest and spots.
    I’m glad that BASS and MLF ignore the west coast.

  13. I have a friend who has a place on Barkley, and he says, and I've read elsewhere that those lakes are making a comeback. They had a tremendous Asian carp problem, and they've really worked hard to try to get that under control, and from what I've read, they've made good progess on that front.

  14. There all getting destroyed by all these tournaments anytime you put money into the equation you lose in the end. Same here in VA NC Roanoke Rapids lake is 4600 acres or so and they have tournaments EVERY WEEKEND and it’s 30 boats plus other recreational fishing and in the last couple years the fishing has declined. Went from 30 pound bags to 15 pound bags in less than a few years. Why can’t they see the damage they are doing? Or do they even care? Destroy our lakes for a couple thousand bucks is just ridiculous!! Gaston lake is not what it used to be either. TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!!! Now they are killing the Chowan River now with all their tournaments. Money has ruined the sport 😢

  15. You left off by far the most over rated lake in the country by a wide margin .. Headwater Lake/Lake Fellsmere in central Florida. All the hype surrounding this place has trashed this lake in just a couple of years. Haven't seen a bass over 5 lbs in 6 months. Luckily the lake literally on the other side of the dyke has lots of 5 + lbers and nobody fishes it. Last week there was 45 trailers in th3 parking lot at Headwaters single ramp and 5 at this other lake … guess where I was fishing .. lol 👽🦖

  16. Table Rock should be #1. It's an awful fishery. Super tough and lots of little fish. Moved to Branson 2017 from northern Minnesota because of the nice weather and like-minded people. Gotta tell ya I have been thoroughly disappointed. Bull shoals is super under rated while table rock is super over rated. Blows my mind why anyone would ever come to the Ozarks and fish table rock when Bull shoals is so awesome

  17. I live near Lake Champlain and grew up on it. I’m TERRIFIED of what is going to happen to it because of all the tournaments. We’re way up north and the fishing window is very narrow to begin with. From Memorial Day to Labor Day it gets hammered with tourneys. I wish they’d cap the number of permits issued for tournaments and also have a grace period like 14 days minimum between tournaments. I hate tournaments anyway that involve weigh ins. NY and Vermont did a joint study on its effects and there’s NOTHING positive for the fish.

  18. Lake Okeechobee isn't what it used to be, but don't fall victim to the enviro-weenie talking points.

    The majority, the overwhelming majority of the sugar cane grown is south of the lake. Been that way for decades. There is a tiny bit west, and some east of it, but the natural flow of water is south and the SFWMD hasn't allowed back pumping into the lake, regardless of what you hear, in over 30 years.

    There are three things killing the lake; nutrients and phosphates coming down the Kissimmee River, the relentless, unsupervised and unmanaged spraying attact by the FWC and the water level being held way to high. At this point the lake is a sewer for central Florida and a holding pond for both coasts. Until these three things are addressed the lake will continue to die and in turn so will what remains of the Everglades.

    Make Lake O Great Again! Slow the Flow, Stop the Spraying and keep the water level around 13' above sea level.

  19. Kentucky lake is making a comeback. I live 30 minutes from it. I fish BFLs on it. I knew it was gonna make this list and it's not a fair call. The smallmouth have exploded. Granted that's because tva messes with water levels during the spawn and kills many largemouth. It does indeed get tons of pressure. But kentucky and barkley are two of the best lakes I've ever fished. After my regionals two seasons ago my number one would be ozarks. What a miserable fishery with the yachts throwing 5ft wakes and cigarette boats, never mind fishing pressure.

  20. Different topic but same situation about Ken Lake. We always traveled in the 90's to Kentucky Lake in the spring to crappie fish. Used to be amazing….. Nowadays it just seems to be over fished.

  21. Lake Chickamauga is a shadow of what she use to be. The combination of the TVA spraying grass, which they deny even with video footage of it occurring, far too much fishing pressure and pleasure boat traffic.

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