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THIS Is The Most Overrated Bass Lake In America…

Randy talks about the most overrated lake in the country…#bassfishinglures #bassfishing #bassboat #fishing #basslake #fishing

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. I disagree Randy. Yes, it is over fished but I have been fishing puckwick for over 50 years and I still catch trophy smallmouth. Fish over 6 pounds. Fish it at night…..totally different lake at night.

  2. I would rather have 1 video like this each month than all the rants you do. As usual for internet YouTube channels (aside from Tactical Bassin’), this one is opinion more than fact, but it was much less harsh and dogmatic than so many of your rants. In fact, I found it information-rich enough to watch it twice. Yes, I believe you can learn how to increase YOUR chances of success from videos that critique as well as praise a lake. I haven’t fished Pickwick. I live in AZ. I choose to fish Guntersville and others on my Alabama trips because lake maps don't reveal enough places on Pickwick that I could fish well. Lake Fork is a different can of worms, FOR ME. It might be overrated from your perspective, Randy, but for me it’s not. The number and size of tournaments there certainly is a major consideration because of impacts and site availability, but also because all the modest-price lodging is occupied. Weather is also a consideration FOR ME. I usually fish with a guide for my first day and then fish solo for 5-7 days. Three of my 5 week-long Lake Fork trips have been destroyed by weather. On two trips, I encountered sunny weather on one day and 5-7 days of downpours, floods, mud-wallow rig parking, extreme winds, a couple of tornadoes, sleet, hail, and snow. And (Hyperbole warning!) I still would not trade any of those trips for a month on most bass lakes in Arizona. I would love to live close enough to Fork that I fished it so often that I could consider it overrated. I fricking love that lake, though I still have not double-digited there. Why do I love it? Either arm of Lake Fork has more wood to fish than all the lakes in AZ doubled, and the fishing is usually good to great. I grew up in OK and TX and will always seek out the joys of fishing wood. AZ is nice for fishing structure and tules on 7-8 of its dozen bass lakes, but the total fishing-worthy acreage for all 7-8 might be less than Lake Fork — not to mention a dozen other Texas, Missouri, Alabama lakes. PLUS, no state has a warmwater spotfish management program that is even close to being in the same league as Texas. Major kudos to TPWD!!! So I will keep hoping that one of these years, Fork Guide Mike McFarland (transplanted from AZ) is going to lead me to my Fork DD!!!!

  3. Randy, it's been many years since I fished Pickwick. You failed to mention the massive wood pulp mill located near the Pickwick Dam in Counce, TN. Is this mill still functioning and if so, does it sill smell like a septic tank? Years ago, when the wind was out of the northwest, you could smell the odor from this mill for miles. Hopefully technology has improved the odor issue.

  4. Way to many tournaments!!!!! Way too many bass fisherman!!!!!!!!! This shit needs to STOP 🛑 GOD DIDN'T MEAN FOR EVERYONE TO BE A BASS FISHERMAN I MEAN COME PEOPLE WAKE YOUR BUTTS UP!!!!!!!!!! THERE WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE FISHING NOW !!!!!! FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO IN LIFE,!!!!!!!!!!

  5. After all Fork is a older lake now.However In my opinion Tournament fishing is hurting Bass Fishing big time.Fork was for a long time the best.People that didn't fish there in 80s and 90s lave O idea what a fantastic lake it was I have old VHS VIDEOS OF MY EX FILMING ME CATCHING 20 BASS A DAY OVER 4 TO 8 LBS.MAN DESTROYING EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH HAPPENED TO FORK.YOU HAVE O IDEA PEOPLE HOW GREAT THAT LAKE WAS AND AT TIMES FISHING FROM THE SHORE WAS SO INCREDIBLE YOU COULD STAND THERE AND WATCH EVERYONE CATCHING BASS.NOT ANYMORE THE LAKE PLANNED OUT SORT OF SPEAK.

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