absolutely freaking wiped from fishing Lake Fork today. I’ll cook up a fire description when I’m not so insanely tired. Thanks for understanding homies
–Young Plugg
Song: Busta x Janet (What It’s Gonna Be) — Artist: KAYTRANDA Remix
Email: fishingthemidwest@gmail.com
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Idk where you guys are,but black bear sightings are pretty common here in Wisconsin,I've seen a butt load especially around the Gleason/Harrison hills area,I've drove pass them sitting in the middle of the street eating black berry's surreal experience to say the least,now I carry a 30-06 or a mosin if I were to head out you never know but again I remember the bear didn't care to much but still…
is that the flowage
LOL this was 5 years ago
What lake are you on
3 pounds in Wisconsin is = to 6 pounds in the south
yooo Jon what city in WI was this? Hayward?
You ran from the bear lmao never run from the bear, that's prey behavior
Omg I caught two large mouth bass there in Wisconsin on my uncles peer idk what kind it was but I feel good for you pls shout me out lol
I saw you out there
The lake they are in the middle of the vid is thirty minutes away from me
quarantine sucks
For Wisconsin you might want to hook you worm different like the hook on the front p.s im from Wisconsin
That one guy looks like Patrick Kane.
I live in madison Wisconsin great bass and musky fishing here. Itd be awesome to watch you go for some tanks in some more of the wicked spots around here.
Yea our black bear in Wisconsin love too have a quick pet on there neck right b4 they eat ya ass lol
I just wanted to post this.. I own Wisconsins Anglin' Adventures Guide Service and Tv show.. and this summer while guiding Ive been having alot of younger kids that I have been taking fishing.. and they all mentioned to me… Hey you gotta check out Jon B on Youtube…. so here I am.. I like your videos alot. After I watched a few of your videos I remember seeing you many years ago fishing off shore. Im happy to see that your making a career out of it.. Good Luck Fishing and if your ever up this way again in Wisconsin.. look me up.. http://www.anglinadventures.com
You fools are annoying
I love the NorthWoods
I literally know what lake your on and what boat ramp you lunched your boat at, I live in that town