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G Man vs Trey McKinney | The No-Wake Protest!

Today we discuss the no wake violation that lead rookie Trey McKinney to be at odds with Gerald Swindle.

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  1. So should we mention Scott Martin missed a thing on the video and still when called out turned his self in for casting in a no cast zone. Yet this guy wants to defend Trey, his age and being a rookie is no excuse. You going to fish the big time it is your responsibility to learn all rules.

  2. See I can’t get on board with this. I know Trey can fish and I know he doesn’t just need livescope. Yeah he’s a 19 year old rookie, but no other rookies broke this rule…the “well good for you” oozes arrogance….he’s never had to work for anything in his life. Typical silver spoon kid….and I’m only 30, but I have respect for the older generation.

  3. G sticks his nose in everyone’s business. See the Keith Poche situation, he had no facts and was totally wrong. He’s just not relevant anymore, so he’s getting any attention he can

  4. Hey stupid. 19 aint no kid. They die on battlefields so let him lean from a mistake. His first mistake is doing it in front of Gman and think he won’t say nothing. Wow. Man your way off on this kid thang.

  5. Ah but he did .screw up and not read the rules this last weekend at Smith. Took a phone call on day 2 from his mother telling him he was late getting to weight in. Not allowed by the rules. Still not reading and following rules. Dont dislike the kid but he needs to get with it 19 yrs or not and learn the rules and not have mom helping him, He has chose his fishing path and needs to learn.

  6. trey mckinney is no 1st year guy, he has won a lot in BFL, Toyota, and has been full time on tour since he was 16! and he is kinda of a little prick. he has had plenty of opportunity to know better, and he has an older brother on tour. next time load your brain before you shoot off your mouth!

  7. Only a beta male would look at this as an attack. He went up to the man (if he’s a professional fisherman he’s a grown man, don’t care how old he is) and told him what he saw. It ain’t G-Man’s job to teach a professional how to do his job. He’s not a kid.

  8. The no wake zone according to reports was expressed to anglers in a live and a zoom meeting. You wanna play the game, you need to follow the rules. Most of all, respect by young anglers is nonexistent. No matter what age you are respect is earned.

  9. You need to shut your face man. You seem to be the bullied Gman handled it professionally. You seem jealous of Gman. Trey would not be chit without FFS. any way. Calling YOU sir would be like helping a lil old lady cross the street. It’s just what you do for people who don’t get a lot of attention wondering where there kids are. Back off Gman. Boy”!

  10. Man it don’t matter how long the kid has been fishing!! That’s not Gerald’s problem!! Gerald talks really highly about Tray before this!! I get your wanting clicks but it seems to me you thought Gerald should bow down to a kid because he called you sir!! I may not be a smart man but I know what a dumbass is!!! What the “kid” as you call him shld have said is oh man Mr. Swindle I didn’t know it I slam forgot about it instead popping them gums!!! Everyone wants to be treated like a man but then he’s a kid when he screws up!! Then you try to bring up the boat passing incident and I fish and drive my boat every week and still didn’t see nothing unsafe!! I don’t get how yall liberal quacks deflect everything!!

  11. Here's a different take on it. I believe it was good for G-Man to approach Trey McKinney at that moment with Dan Sullivan being present. The reason why is there is a third-party witness. When a direct confrontation happens, it can turn ugly very quickly. Both parties can twist each other's words and manipulate others to believe what actually happened. With a third party present, there is at least a different person who can tell what happened at the scene. So, you make dislike it when G-Man approach Trey McKinney with Dan Sullivan around, but it's one of the best situation to have happened because there is a lot that can go wrong when it's a one-on-one.

    And when Trey responded "Good for you" to G-Man, his sarcastic response showed disrespect at the lowest level and narcissism at the highest level. Regardless of age, when someone is confronted with the truth and he refuse to acknowledge their sins and shortcomings, he is full of himself. He believes that denial and lying will pave the way to not bear any consequence for his actions.

    I don't agree with the polemic that since Trey is 19 years old, his age can testify for his sheer irresponsibility, including his remarks in the conversation with G-Man. At that age, men are already aware of what's good and bad, right and wrong. At the age where it's already considered adult in today's society, we have to take responsibility for our own actions. 19 years old is not a young age where you still give people the benefit of the doubt like you would to a 4 year old. This is simply wrong.

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