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How to Flutter Spoon

Learn the Flutter Spoon technique to catch big fish. Learn what to look for while fishing a Flutter Spoon. Learn what rod, reel and line to use while fishing a Flutter Spoon.

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Chris I have noticed you setup has change slightly over the years with your swivel. If i remember correctly you’re running braid to your swivel then a 25lb fluro to your spoon. Did you make the change due to being more efficient on the water or do you believe it helps with the presentation looking more natural?

  2. Just got myself caught up in spoons. Never in my life would use them idky but i am a true believer after i broke off 2 of my flutter spoon on my last outing. They do produce when the bite is super slow. Just be patient and learn how to use it like how you said. Hook sets were awkward for me cause they hit on the fall rod tip high slack line and all. Had to reposition my self for better hooksets. Great informative videos im digging it.

  3. Up in Ontario we do something similar. If they aren't biting the blade bait or hair jig, or if the size isn't quite what we want. We toss out th Ol' Williams J70 Ice Jigging Spoon, same type effect but you gotta change out their stock rear treble (I go with a feathered treble cause its something more they can key on), and then you get the added benefit/hook up ratio of the side hooks just in case.

  4. Love the video, Guntersville crushed me my friend. I've been doing this with smaller spoons on the Coosa river lakes for big nasty mean spots and I use a stinger hook for spots, the action isn't so important with those psycho fish and that stinger help keep them on when they are going insane

  5. I was considering the extra hardware but after hearing Chris talk about how it can hinder the action and presentation of the bait thats all I needed to hear. I'll take my chances, less hardware more bites!

  6. Idk ive never tried it with braid but I use the segar 25lb flipping fluro because the stretch and you can see it because the multi color line I might try with braid but idk I feel like I might lose a few more

  7. Chris thanks for the video. I got to see you catch them on the big spoon at Guntersville first hand as I was your day 3 marshal. I had a awesome time watching you catch big Tennessee river largemouth bass. Looking forward to being your marshal again in the near future. Go get them at the classic Hammer.

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