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Bass Tournament Cheater Busted! | Big Bass Splash Toledo Bend | Weights In Fish!

We have another weights in fish controversy, this time on the Texas Louisiana border at Toledo Bend Reservoir.

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Sealy Outdoors

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#CerebralTackle #TournamentCheaters #BassCheaters #SealyOutdoors #BigBassSplash #WeightsInFish #ToledoBend #bassmaster  #bassnation #eliteseries  #NPFL #MediaBass     #bassmasteropens  #BassFishing

Song – “Garage” Topher Mohr & Alex Elena
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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. If it were to be announced that all fish brought for weigh-in were going to be run through an x-ray machine or metal scanner at the beginning of the first day/ hour of the tournament,i wonder how many people would suddenly bow out…

  2. I wonder why I am not getting notices right away when a new CT video is posted? I need to do a search for them I guess. No media is perfect . . .

    I love seeing these clowns getting busted for cheating. I've said it before, there tons of " how to catch this or that" videos out there. Your videos cover everything fishing related. I'll take the buffet to the drive through window everytime.

    And to think you can make zillions of dollars at safe easy jobs and not have to cheat and be a rat. On the other hand, "up to a year in jail" vs burning a public building down and getting off scott free or a murderer getting out in a couple of fishing seasons for " good behavior" is quite unbalanced. I'm glad I'm my age and not 20 . . .

  3. Wait you're the guy that started those discussion with me acting that tough and attacking me? Pls tell me you're the 600 lbs fat guy in the video not even able to do 5 jumping jacks? Jesus thats comedy.

  4. When I heard this went down on my home lake it was pretty damn disappointing but it wasn't very surprising. What was surprising was how much weight this idiot tried to add. Unfortunately I have a feeling were going to see this happen more and more…

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