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Revenge Fishing on a Tough Lake Fork

#BassFishing #LargemouthBass #TexasBassFishing #LakeFork #2021BassmasterEliteSeries #2021 #KyleWelcher #UntamedTackle #Striker #Spro #Gamakatsu #MissileBaits #PointBlank #FujiRodComponents #BlackRifleCoffeeCompany #TitanTungsten #THMarine #DakotaLithium #Powerpole #TournamentTackle #Ranger #Mercury

Follow along my journey as I attempt to catch trophy bass, hone my craft, entertain, and share my learning experiences.

Favorite Baits: Chatterbait, Crankbait, Jerkbait, Shaky Head, Spro Frogs.

Favorite Equipment: Shimano Curado, Ranger Boats, Mercury Fourstroke Pro XS, Toyota Trucks, GoPro, Fuji Rod Components, Point Blank, Striker, Untamed Tackle, SPRO, and Gamakatsu Hooks.

For more Funny and entertaining videos visit my channel at:

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Lake Fork is an enigma. I fish it frequently and more often than not, it's humbling. No other lake can put up the number of big fish that it can, and regardless of conditions, someone always unlocks the code. The night of the storm where it dumped nearly 5 inches of rain into the watershed really threw a monkey wrench into a lot of guys strategy. I was fishing a pocket where I had marked some beds the previous day, but two problems happened. The rain turned the water into mudhole and it moved many of the fish off the beds. I was fishing a pocket the day after the rain and the water, as you know, was chocolate milk. One of the pros came in and I saw a him make about a 65 foot pitch to an area and I knew he couldn't possibly see the bed and on Fork, as heavily pressured as it is, if you miss by a few inches, you may as well miss by a mile. He was definitely spun out. As finicky as Texas weather is at this time of year, coupled with the weird way Fork fished, I had a feeling site fishing wasn't going to carry the day. There just never is a safe play on Fork. Almost always, whoever wins, swings for the fences on a hunch play. In the case of Lee, intimate knowledge of the lake is a huge advantage, but it almost always requires a gut play to win there, no matter how familiar you are with the lake.

    Anyway, congratulations on a very respectable finish and keep at 'em, dawg.

  2. IMHO this trnmt could have been really bad. For what its worth I was impressed with your performance in this one. You are wearing Me out on basstrak though. 37th place then after weigh in You move up 20 spots. checks points and qualify for Classic one takes care of the other. #justdontsuck

  3. I see you making moves with wheeler too. Channel is blowing up. I was supposed to drive Kyle around next week for BMP and walk out this morning to see gear oil leaking out of my prop. I’m so furious. 26hrs and my mechanic is talking whole lower replacement

  4. What's up Kyle. You are a beast and I'm a weekend pro, I enjoyed watching the fork tournament! I truly believe you are gonna win one here this year or next. That Guntersville tour last year I thought you were gonna do it bro

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