Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!
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Damn G your lucky my girl wont make me an egg sandwich and it gets even sadder were farmers? She hates eggs but we have 50+chickens? Don't let yours go lol
I stay ruttin round here in SE GA, been hot GMan been hot this season. My AC keeps me ruttin when the deer aren't! Cleaned a few but not the ones we been after.
I’m only in my mid 20s but I’ll never understand how a lot of these pros don’t use the little pedestals. My back and knees would be on fire being on the water for hours
I love these man. Makes me feel like I am at the tourney with you! Good Stuff as always brother!
Damn G your lucky my girl wont make me an egg sandwich and it gets even sadder were farmers? She hates eggs but we have 50+chickens? Don't let yours go lol
Stealthiest hook set at 4:00
I stay ruttin round here in SE GA, been hot GMan been hot this season. My AC keeps me ruttin when the deer aren't! Cleaned a few but not the ones we been after.
You think mega live will be any count
Once again the most entertaining man in fishing

7:00 sound like Jeff bridges rooster cogburn lol
“It’s 75 degrees in November, ain’t nothin rutting out here but people”

Merry Christmas From The Cooper's Cleburne,Texas
You get
we can go incognito Holler at ya boy. East Texas mmmmm. Fork , Rayburn, Palestine,Toledo. My back yard.#thelegendofmrwilson
Seen that one swim it to him a good 10 ft
Glad you came back to the elites you are a class act thanks!!!
What happen to the yella kicks ya been wherein?
7:00 minute mark, official says what??!! lmao Get after em' G MAN!!
Needed a Dude Wipe after that Fish 2:05
Man I never have time to cook breakfast before a tournament. PB&J and go!
Go G MAN we support you all the way from the UK God bless you and your family
Wheres your swagger???
Your wife's got it…
Love you!
Just messin with ya!
Keep at it!!
shoes be nice!!
Can I ask what squarebill was you using with the rattle on the day one?
BASS has gone MLF?!? ….weighing fish and release…
Like how you hiked that under back into the water G-Man

Good stuff GMAN!

I’m only in my mid 20s but I’ll never understand how a lot of these pros don’t use the little pedestals. My back and knees would be on fire being on the water for hours
Someone needs to tell the cook to NEVER season eggs until after there cooked! Salt breaks down the eggs.
Great to see you back with BASSMASTER. I think those beige slacks got to go you looked like Mike Iaconelli on casual Friday .
love you but you need add some more sarcasm to your videos
Aint nothin ruttin out here sept people
Thumbs up if your in a tree stand watching this
I wish I could fish with the GMAN gswindle
The best part was watching Bass live while sitting in the deer stand
I'm thankful for G-MAN and Deer Sausage on Thanksgiving!