I head down to Texas to meet up with the other Origional YouTube Fisherman LakeForkGuy for a great day of bass fishing. We took a trip over to Lake Athens and had a great time.
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I live in Athens and under one of the docks in the video my dad cought a 11 bass large mouth
Good video guys, but you gotta get out offshore to catch those bigger fish.
Dont catch much here in athens
I live 1 hour away from Athens fyi use a texas rig red shad powerbait
You and Justin should do another video together but go to lake quitman y'all have both taught me a lot about fishing and y'all together is a really great video.
Im going there this weekend what do you think will be good to throw
that boat had 2 guys with more talent and knowledge combined than all bass boats combined in the country that day.
fluke master what kind of bait you was using
You and Justin handle fish the right way. Flip em in and release them quick. I like watching you two fish together.
Wow, The Flukemaster on my home lake!! Never would have thought I would see that when I first started following you a few years ago! Hope you enjoyed your visit to Athens and East Texas. There are many good lakes around here, so hope you can make it back several times in the future. My best Lake Athens experience was meeting Randy White (The Dallas Cowboys legend) while fishing as a teenager, but meeting you would have been right up there, buddy!
Do you ever keep the fish you catch for eating?
I'm just a skipaaaaaaaaaa
Totally understand Justin's fish smelling…After I catch the first fish of the day I can't stop smelling my hands haha
thats a great lake. nice video gene
Nice vid.
I know LakeForkGuy, I love both your channels!! Looking forward to more videos of you together…
great video Gene you guys should fishing together more often. so cool
I agree with Skyler, you two are an awesome team, it'd be great to see you guys fish a tournament together!
but nice skilled professional action-packed adventurous entertaining video flukemaster and Lakeforkguy you guys and Scott martin would be a absolute blast
4:35 Glad to know that you guys do that sometimes too; makes me feel a little better haha.
This video goes out to all those who are like "Gene why do you never fish a fluke??"
I watch several different youtube fishing channels sometimes 2 or more actually link up to do videos together now this one is with 2 serious and skilled entertaining fishermen collaborating pure skilled bass anglers dynamite video unlike goofy corny geeky ones like when Jon b,flair,and other goofishermen or fisherboys not fishermen get together act stupid the whole video I'm just saying
What is that thing in you where on your neck is it so that you can turn on and off your mic and camera
hey gene im an angler living in northern nevada and i have an unusually hard time catching bass. got any tips for a desert bass fanatic?
Palestine is a Great Lake!!!
awesome video glad you had a great fishing experience here in tx
As always great vid!
Hey Gene, I love watching you pitch. Although I have a question, I've been trying to pitch but my reel doesn't seem to let out line fast enough to really get a good distance. I typically use a 1/4oz weight. So my question is – is it my reel that is inhibiting my pitch distance (I bought it used, it's a 2 year old Lew's LFS) or do I need to up my weight in order to pitch more than 4 yards?
Awesome day of fishing!! Two awesome guys who know so much and taught me so much! THANKS!!
have you ever fished ladybird lake (aka town lake) here in austin?
Thank God he didn't drag his old lady along with y'all!
Gene is a Fishing God among men! Lakefork your not that bad ether.
Can you please tell me the model of the rod you're using?