We head to Lake Tyler for a bass fishing tournament on this week’s episode of Fish Lyfe Outdoors with ol Z-Dub!!!
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Lew’s Reels- https://www.lews.com/casting
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I like fishing
hey nice video, planning on a trip down to texas this winter, how does Lake Tyler fish during the winter?
Dang now that was a disaster of a tournament scenario.
ZW momma always said there would be days like this lol. Keep up the vids bud ya crack me up. Prayers for his dad & family
Hey Billy I wanted to ask how exactly can dirtier water improve the shallow bite during this time of year on Fork
Awesome ZW always like your videosππ»
I see that LSU visor baw. GEAUXTIGAS
Just had a tournament on Tyler bout 2 months ago
The fish in my profile picture is from lake Tyler