A giant bass eats my wife’s fish while crappie fishing on Sam Rayburn lake with my buddy Shaine. She’s using a tiny ultra light fishing rod for crappie fishing, making the big bass almost impossible to move up towards the surface.
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1/8th OZ Pink Crappie Jig with Lake Fork Trophy Lures Baby Shad
Baby Shad Crappie Fishing Lure – http://bit.ly/2jGpqCV
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When Wife Goes Fishing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp4iAE2LClKa41BFWFYfFUmPgbr4WT3Bb
Justin Rackley, known as Lakeforkguy in the fishing world, creates fishing and outdoor videos on youtube and other social platforms. LFG provides fishing tips and techniques for mostly largemouth bass fisheries but also travels to other freshwater and saltwater fishing spots to explore new fish species and fishing techniques to help you catch more fish. Lakeforkguy likes to hang out on any fishing vessel or go bank fishing with his other YouTube Fishing friends and vlog with his Wife Stephanie AKA Ocean Spoon Girl and french bulldog Winston.
————————————VIDEO CREATION GEAR————————————–
DSLR Camera (Panasonic GH5) – http://go.magik.ly/ml/5tf5/
Metabones Speedbooster 4/3 EF Mount – http://go.magik.ly/ml/5tf7/
Chesty Cam (Gopro Hero 4 Black) – https://goo.gl/GaZfjV
Underwater Shots (Gopro Hero 5) – https://goo.gl/efzJmM
Essential Chesty Mount – https://goo.gl/kAyLtg
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Clamp mount for rails, rods, and vehicles – https://goo.gl/LH2jQH
Cheap Gopro Tavel Case – https://goo.gl/jR5WvW
Case for my DSLRs on the boat & traveling – https://goo.gl/EMwzBE
Favorite all in one film pack – http://go.magik.ly/ml/5tfg/
Overall best fishing lens (Canon 24-105mm) http://go.magik.ly/ml/5tfl/
SAVE AROUND $300 with White Box Version – https://goo.gl/voMNBZ
My Vlogging Lens (Rokinon 14mm WIDE) – http://go.magik.ly/ml/5tfm/
My ULTIMATE Mid Range Lens $$$ – http://go.magik.ly/ml/5tfn/
CHEAP but GOOD Gopro Mic – https://goo.gl/gHrKqJ
Wireless Mics for Clean Audio in WIND – http://go.magik.ly/ml/5tfo/
BEST Camera Mic for the Money – https://goo.gl/wk1UTu
I’d have love to have seen that bass munching on a nice size crappie lol
Love your videos, but one thing that stresses me out while watching you guys fishing is that you are not wearing life jackets….be safe out there.
Good day funny

That was a bass
trout snobs
Always have medium heavy rods 30lb braid you guys could get big bass
Should of used heavier line with medium heavy power rod. If your rod was lined with monofilament with 30 lb braid over monofilament she would of nabbed the bass
Those are really nice ultra lites. Love to know what type and where I could get a few like them.
My wife was reeling in a 3-4 lb Spanish Mac when a 40 lb Reef Donkey ( aka Amberjack) came up and made a meal outa it. 30 min later she finally landed her Spanish lol.
This happened to my daughter while fishing with her pink princess fishing rod. She was fishing with a piece of bubble gum, when she caught a bluegill. The fish was 2 feet from shore when I watched as a GIANT bass come out of the depths and swallow it. Chaos ensued
Low key this sounds like a porn title
You were seasoning crappies and I love to use lemon pepper with my bread crumbs or cornmeal or flour!
Nice socolait
That Happened to me while Crappie Fishing Landed a 4lb. Bass with the Crappie over Here in Mississippi.
Had a Pike grab my 10 year old daughters bluegill, let go at the boat in almost the same fashion as in this vid!
Favorite fish to catch! Gotta love them crappies!
BLAT I do understand that things of today must be addressed, I just wish everyone could get along. We have so much power that a few seem to always cloud the good some of us try to live by. Until we can look past the few we will never mend ourselves.I am sorry that you feel this way, we can make it better for all races. With your help and others maybe we have a chance,the lord willing.
We all dream about the one that got away
smooth water, overcast, predator time!!!
Very nice couple
Wow! OSG….crappie slayer!
Who else gets annoyed when he does the Batman noise
Sounds like a porno title. Dude I'm in love with your wife
We need some OSG stickers,,,,, for our lunch boxes ,boats. Tackle boxes,,, would that be cool,, might bring some extra good luck,,,,
i aint kidding you orda send me a rod and real like u used
Awesome video brother! Love big old slab CRAPPIE
That’s one beautiful fish catching machine !!
Bucket list #3 To be able to fish with Justin me LFG
You should go back and try live baiting
some crappie for that trophy bass
Title almost sounds like a porno
Lake Sam Rayburn is near my hometown jasper Texas
Oh! I've also fished Lake Fork,Austin,Travis,Livingston & Sam Rayburn plus others and any
and every pond & creek I can Find! Fishing Crazy for almost 50 yrs!
Grill those Crappie rubbed down in butter & then soaked in white wine Worcestershire
sauce for 30-40 mins then sprinkle in season all or Tony's Chachere seasoning !
I'm from Southeast Texas,and been fishing for 49 yrs and this is the very best grilled
fish I've ever eaten for over 25 years now! Yumm ! Yumm! : )
I go to San rayburn every year and I catch big bass it's amazing
Good trip bro with Ultralight rod.. It's so fun..
15" is my biggest
I wish there were a store that carried those rods so I could hold one in my hands before buying it. I like the design but can't decide if it's too weak or not for what I want