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To be Clear I am not accusing anyone of anything in this video..

like I say in the video just about every run in I have with this guy he was a stand up guy.

do I think there should be more eyes on this? yes, I do.

do I think there should be a rule change implemented? Definitely yes.

I apologize for the clicking noise in the background I left my car heater on and was wanting to get this up quickly.

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Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. If you look at all angler photos from some other recent events (on the Tourney X website), that dude is the only competitor that is propping his board up and bending it like that. Everyone else is not doing that.

  2. in the RULES it says you cannot ALTER the BOARD and bending the board is altering it.And it was all covered up and nothing happen which is bullshit because if it was a nobody they would have been band from fishing but again hobie covered it up because it would hurt the hobie name bottom line

  3. I know Ron. He was clearly looking at pics on his phone and holding that beast down I case he needed to take another pic. This is the same thing as Dustin Johnson in the PGA championship but Ron did nothing wrong.

  4. Everyone should use aluminum ketch boards. I would check out all his pictures and if they are all resting on top of the kayak instead of on his legs? Well I don’t know. You don’t want to believe that people would stoop to this kind of treachery. I mean gees, what happened to honour and self respect?

  5. I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A COMPETITION BUT…….I have never understood why competitors are allowed their own boards…. why isn't a (reinforced-stiffened) boards issued by the tourney officials….or at least they could REQUIRE a very specified easy to verify commercial board…..THE present SYSTEM is begging for cheating…… QUESTION: if the fish is pushed down firmly on a bent board, wouldn't it conform to the board and be "somewhat" accurate, the fish would have to be supported OFF the bent board ( a straight line across a valley) to gain signfigant length ? still think he's pulling a fast one though….

  6. Champion knew
    wtf he was doing, and his Facebook response blamed everything cept his lack of integrity. Bet when he moves to the ketch, the head won’t be elevated!

  7. Yeah, no. If the board were to flex the fish would flex with it. You can clearly see that the fish is touching the board in those pics on TourneyX and the board isn't flexing to any extreme degree.

  8. Alot of people talking trash that have no clue….. then again it's the internet where everyone can hide behind a keyboard and play know it all.
    This video is about as fickle as the pic of the actual incident that floating around.

  9. I don't have a clue if he cheated or not. This type stuff is the reason that myself and the group I fish with are not club members, and don't fish kayak tournaments. Been there, done that. There is always that one person looking for an advantage. It seems like once these guys get patches and logos on their shirts or get "pro-staffed" up, they forget why they started kayak fishing in the first place. I will say this, I have been doing this kayak fishing, for 22 years and I've never ever seen one single person measure a fish with a measuring device with the head of the fish tilted in an upwards position. It defies gravity and when measuring fish, gravity helps keep them against the bump board and actually helps calm them some.

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