This is a catch n cook crappie fishing challenge on lake Sam Rayburn in east Texas. I go fishing with Shaine and we are fishing against Arron and Chris from Tackle Addict to see what team can bring in the most fish. We ended up cheating and using live bait to catch our fish, but it made such a big difference! The crappie jigs we were using were getting bites, but the fish were not hanging on. After our challenge, we are gathering at Tackle Addict to have a family fish fry. I normally go bass fishing when I’m on the lake, but this was the most fun I’ve had on the lake in a long time. The crappie fishing was so good and the best part was getting to eat the delicious fish at the end of the day with our friends. If you haven’t tried crappie fishing, it’s a lot of fun and there are plenty of them in the lake. They like to hang out in the brush piles and you can use a fish finder to get right on top of the fish and vertical jig for them. There are also bluegill, largemouth bass, and spotted bass that hang out with the crappie eating the bait in the brush piles. If you don’t have a boat there are a number of guides for crappie fishing on the lake. These fish have to be 10″ long to keep in Texas and you can keep 25 a person. Hope you are hungry! See you on the next fishing trip Fishing Freaks!
6′ Medium Phantom Series Fishing Rod
Favorite Panfish Rods
Tackle Addict Fishing Tackle Store
List of Fishing Guides on Lake Sam Rayburn
SNAPCHAT – LakeForkGuy
Mail me stuff that won’t kill me : )
Justin Rackley
PO Box 280
Wellborn, TX 77881
Justin Rackley, known as Lakeforkguy in the fishing world, creates fishing and outdoor videos on youtube. LFG provides fishing tips and techniques for mostly largemouth bass fisheries but also travels to other freshwater and saltwater fishing spots to explore new fish species and fishing techniques to show as many fishing places as possible and help you catch more fish. Lakeforkguy likes to hang out on any fishing boat or go bank fishing with his other YouTube Fishing friends and vlog with his wife Stephanie, AKA Ocean Spoon Girl with the Healthy Chew Blog and their french bulldog Winston.
DSLR Camera (Panasonic GH4) –
Static Shot (Gopro Hero 4 Black) –
Metabones Speedbooster 4/3 EF Mount –
Waterproof Travel Case For My DSLR and Lenses
Metal Gopro Case with Filters
Cheap GoPro Travel Case
Canon 24-105mm L Lens –
Rokinon 14mm WIDE –
Sony UWPD11/42 Lavalier Microphone –
Gopro Chesty Lav Mic (Cheap) –
DSLR Shot Gun Mic –
I'm sure that it's regional but have been catching some slabs on micro jigs and tiny nymph imitations in my area of West Texas.


28 catfish out of 1 spot on the black river in NM. I ran out of bait but I’m sure there was more in that spot.
Send some to Detroit lol
145 crappie and bass on a brush pile in the middle of winter
Like show
150 crappies in Oregon in 13 hours
58 shellcracckers
LFG nearly falling while calling them cheaters had me thinking “instant karma”
Why must they all drive chevys
I once caught 106 crappie without moving in a private lake in Ohio.
I caught around 200 white bass one day while they was moving up the river to spawn. Was a wild time!!
21 sandbass out of Lake Murray Ok.
I caught about 30 white bass in one location and one very good sized white crappie. All within a 2 hour span.
What about small circle hooks for crappie, yeah or nah?
That is one squeaky steering wheel. LOL
We catch those stripe backed saculait, usually smaller ones
Love the videos. My grandpa took my brother and I crappie fishing on Lake Greenwood in the 70's. Honest truth we would get over a 100 sometimes. The throw over the side basket would be as tall as I was with crappie and white bass. Best days of my life, 53 now. There wasn't a limit back then. My grandpa and my dad would be up to sun up cleaning fish. Just getting back into fishing and your videos are informative and definitely inspiring. Thanks for what you do. God bless you brother and your family.
You didn't tell them? Aww maaaaannn
Awesome informative Video experience
Y'alls God Bless Ya
100 crappie
gotta shoot some grease on it
Years ago when I was roughly 12 years old, Dad and two others set up shop on top of a pile of big perch on Lake Erie…we turned them into a fish cleaning outfit that cleaned them and totaled em up for us…180 in 5 hours. Must have been in the mid 1980’s…too much fun!
Out of one spot I've 125 smallmouth bass
One spot that I got on when the lake was up, my partner and I was setting up in the shallows in flooded weeds and the school was moving about in the new waters and we ended up with 125 monster crappie, never moved the boat. Just waited for the school to come back around and the bit was on, we were only in about 3 feet of water and the school would make a wake as they came around.
Just caught 74 crappie out of one spot during spawn.. kept 28 over 2 lbs.
Man i just can’t catch crappie to save my life and I’ve been binge watching all fishermen youtubers to catch one…
Me and my cousin caught 46 yellow perch in 3 hours
Me and a buddy of mine caught 209 white stripped bass or as we call them bar fish in one prolly 50 yard long area.
Hey lakeforkguy ive been watching your videos for almost 4 years now and I would really like to see videos of you bank fishing around Texas for some crappies! Im from Houston, Tx
Every now and then I pull in a Mohawk crappie as well.
Your drag everybody does not need to be that loose it can be tighter than that
I camped in that part of the lake in those cabins and I fish at the boat ramp he put his boat in
The most fish I ever caught in one spot is 257 bream
64 white belly perch
200 croppie denver co we used croppie magnet with some slap sauce