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What the PROS Don't Tell you About Flutter SPOON Bass Fishing

There are all kinds of little secrets the pros don’t tell you about fishing a flutter spoon for bass in the summer. In this video I go through everything you need to know to fish a flutter spoon for bass – from which lure to use to what setup (rod, reel, and fishing line) you will need. I also show you how to fish a flutter spoon 3 different ways.

My flutter spoon rod Halo KS II 7 5MH

Shimano SLX

Nichols Lake Fork Flutter Spoon

Ben Parker Magnum Spoon

Talon Custom Lures Spoon

Grab a MB camo hat and t shirt

How I store tackle

Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Ive never thrown spoons of that size, growing up in the cooler months I would throw a Hopkins jiggin spoon. It straight up smoked'em.. (in N.C.)
    Im now in S.Florida looking forward to trying these big boys out.. i really dig the channel bro..

  2. Love the chatter bait never tried the mini need to get some,question I have a bunch of keitech paddle tail baits would you suggest cutting off the tails to a point? Just wondering! Tight lines

  3. those look a lot like a silver fish trolling spoons i use. just a bit of a add on all O-rings are not the same. i know the good ones are pricey but, i learned the hard way big fish will pull the O-ring out and all you get back is the spoon. great stuff

  4. We just fished the TBF championship last weekend man we found a bunch on a brush pile in 18 feet of water that wouldn't eat anything smith mt lake mid summer fish been beat on BAD. By 1 o'clock we had 2 fish for less than a pound I pulled out a spinning rod 6 pound line a tiny marabou hair jig between 130 and 230 we put 19 pounds in the boat with small spoons and tiny hair jigs for our first win. It works brother thanks

  5. I live on a very clear lake in Fl about 12 ft visibility. The lake has 3 deep holes the are anywhere from 22-30ft deep. Would you recommend using a flutter spoon there this summer?

  6. Just found your channel recently an you gained a new sub! Absolutely love the way you go into detail about lures. That’s the things everyone wants to know and others will cover baits but won’t tell you what you want to know. I’m loving your channel! Keep it up!

  7. A thought…Awhile back someone sold a split ring that was designed to release the hook at a certain pound rating (don’t recall the manufacturer name). Could you use that kind of split ring with a fluoro or braid loop also attached to the hook that would act as a decoupler from the weight of the spoon…so when you set the hook the split ring would let go, but the floro/braid leader would still hold.

    Is that a potential way of decreasing the likelihood of a fish throwing that treble before you get them in the boat?

    Just curious if you or anyone you know had tried something like that to improve hookup to land ratio.

  8. I got a couple nicole's flutter spoons a while ago for these herring lakes. I haven't used it yet but I been fishing more smaller lakes/giant ponds. I'm a kayak angler so I like getting places most people can't. I will definitely use my spoons next time I'm at Murray or Clarks hill! I could get largemouth or striper there. Ton of fun hooking into a huge stripper in the yak. They can pull me around easily. Hopefully I can hook into a 25+ pounder this season. I know local guys are catching monster striper at Clarks hill this year. That's something new to me but fun & different. Plus I can fish my big swimbaits catch them or bass

  9. Flutter spoons are not a technique I've used much before. But it's funny that you posed this video because I was just looking at buying some Nichols spoons yesterday. I think the universe is trying to tell me something…well something other than the, "That doesn't go there, you idiot!" type of things it's usually trying to tell me.

  10. This is the video that I needed I just started to learn how To fish with a spoon I just seen An older video that you done a few years ago. Tight lines and thank you for the great info you put out here for us.

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