
Elite Analysis: Trey McKinney flirts with All-Time Record and wins at Fork

Bassmaster hosts Tommy Sanders, Davy Hite and Ronnie Moore go through Trey McKinney’s record victory week at Lake Fork. The 19-year old rookie becomes the youngest Elite Series Champion as he catches 130 pounds, 15 ounces over four days at the Texas fishery.

#bassmaster #fishing #lakefork

Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Master this game….? This isn’t a video game…was a skill sport now its a joke….Bass better fix this before its to late….fans are already not watching in droves…Bass is taking the skills out of the sport that takes years to learn….

  2. I mean zero disrespect to Trey. He won within the rules. But I will not let my 8 year old son watch Bassmaster anymore. I want him to look at the lake, not screens. To each his own. I just don’t want this.

  3. Bro just casually coming from Carbondale IL, probably the worst place I’ve ever been to. Comes from there to accomplish this! It’s amazing! Dude came from nothing out of nowhere and won a Bassmaster Elite before Scott Martin. I’m blown away, great stuff!

  4. Congratulations Dude 💪 young 🔨 People are going to complain about anything no matter what!!! Hats off to all the damn rookies, especially the jig riggin Tyler Williams had a blast watching as always. I still enjoy watching the vets ive always watched and pulled for no matter what, but the kid with the jig now that was awesome.

  5. Simply said, ALL participants had access to the same tools. Master your game even if things change. They did not have braid, fluoro, specialized reels,rods and lures years ago either. I think it would have been great to see 10 men standing on stage with a Century Belt!

  6. He won within the rules. Congratulations. Using ffs is a skill. BUT pro bass fishing has officially changed into someone else. The only way to be competitive is Ffs. Its not "just another tool" or just deep water, or time of year.. Every tournament will be dominated by it, and i would be willing to bet 5 or fewer guys, all year, get into the top 10 without using it. If you want fishing to be something 98 percent of the time to be live on a screen, then you are in luck because that is what it is now and what ur going to see. Its a step too far in my opinion to be able to search, fish, watch fish react to ur lures live, etc. Especially if thats the only way, and it clearly is

  7. Incredible job young man! Y'all can hate FFS all you want but I'll bet you would have one of the best days of your life out fishing with this kid. Somehow, people have taken the human out of human being now. I guess I don't understand the opposition to FFS. It's just and advanced way of finding the fish. I'll bet everyone has a depth finder with water temp, maps, Google Earth, etc. FFS, IN NO WAY, makes it possible to catch those fish (definitely can't snag the fish as some idiots are saying). If you say it does more than locate, you have never used it or are just full of it. Otherwise, all the Elites would have had limits every day and all over 100lbs cause all of them (except John Cox) had it on their boat. Good luck Trey and all the rookies!!!!!

  8. Congratulations, Trey, on your great fishing. Congratulations, Bassmaster, on your excellent job of covering the event. As an old timer, I am happy to see the young generation demonstrating their talents. They have learned well. Fish on.

  9. Bass is going to burn there house to the ground, and they refuse to see it. They are a slave to the lender , they can’t make it without advertisement from the boat and electronics companies, and are forcing the anglers to be slaves to the advertisers and electronics Sponsors as well , this won’t last mark my words .

  10. An amazing tournament with amazing bags. The top 10 all over 100 lbs. As I was watching the tournament I could not help noticing Trey's line being caught in one of his other poles line as he was reeling a fish in, and another time when he was reeling a fish in you could see one of his rods hanging off the side of the boat with the line in the water. It was not deep in the water, but that could be viewed as two poles in the water at once. A no no. In golf, something like that could cost you a penalty or worse. Now he was not fishing with it, but the line was in the water could be viewed that way. Congratulations to him for an amazing win, but be careful in the future, and keep those rods and lines inside the boat. Congrats to all the top 10, what a tournament.

  11. Let this sink in. A 19 year old with no experience of the lake just beat pros that have been doing this for 30 years.

    FFS will kill the sport and B.A.S.S. and your competition.

    The competitors don't like it, the fans don't like it, and it will ultimately hurt your non electronic sponsors since the only bait that is used is primarily jig and worm. Did I mention coangler participation is going to fall off a cliff in regional and local B.A.S.S. events?

    No need to even carry the other 95% of baits / equipment.

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