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Crazy BIG Bass Catch On Legendary Lake Fork

Fishing for big bass on Fork can be hit or miss and today we finally got revenge on the lake!! HUGE shout out to the homie Brice for helping me out today.

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Nice catch kid, I've hooked bass bigger but haven't landed any yet. Smallies are mean. This kind of day in December is when big trouts get caught in Montana. Looks like the same in Texas.

  2. That might be the most absurd thing I've ever heard you say. There are not hordes of people out fishing for 14 to 16 inch fish to keep. That is not why the lake is pressured. Yes there are tournaments. People are catching the biggest fish they can and as many as they can. That is why the lake is pressured.

  3. Lucky ya didn't break off & lose that fish……..using fluorocarbon. Used that crap for 4 years straight, thinkin' "this is the right stuff"……..Until I woke up & realized how many fish & lures I was losing, even with re-tying new knots. I got sick of it. Switched back to good old fashioned Berkley/Trilene Big Game mono………and 90% of my line breakage issues disappeared like a fart in the wind. Be SURE & watch the recent video by youtube ch: "Salt Strong" where a very good ABRASION TEST was done MULTIPLE TIMES between a top brand of fluoro vs an average brand of mono. The results did NOT surprise me a damn bit…….because I ALREADY KNOW FROM VAST EXPERIENCE………..IN EVERY TEST…….THE MONO LASTED FAR LONGER THAN FLUORO BEFORE BREAKING OFF BY RUNNING BOTH LINES ACROSS THE SAME GRIT OF SAND PAPER WRAPPED AROUND A WOODEN DOWEL ROD. THAT TEST IS AS FAIR & THOROUGH AS IT GETS……..AND THE RESULTS CANNOT BE DENIED………Keep using fluoro…….and prepare to keep crying. I see practically EVERY bass angler on youtube BREAKING OFF…….TIME & TIME AGAIN, DURING A STRONG CAST, OR SETTING THE HOOK, EVEN ON LITTLE DINKS, AND THEY'RE ALL USING FLUORO. ………THAT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN TO ME ANYMORE, BECAUSE I WISED UP. And I save a ton of money when re-spooling all 10 of my reels, PLUS, I don't even have to re-spool as often. I FISH FOR & CATCH MONSTER BASS HERE IN NEARBY STICK MARSH/FARM 13 IN CENTRAL FLORIDA………IN STUMP FIELDS & HEAVY COVER. I can't even remember the last time I "broke off"………( Been bass fishing here in Florida since 1969……….with four 12 lb'ers and 13 that topped 10 lbs so far………I believe that qualifies me to offer an opinion on the matter. )

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