I was able to make some good ground on expanding and finding new patterns in today’s video. Hopefully all this pays off in a big way on game day for the Lake Fork Guide’s Tournament. If you pay attention you’ll see some of the things I look for and how few fish I actually want to catch in a given area when practicing for a bass fishing tournament. Thanks for watching!
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Great video! Can't wait for the tournament vid to drop! I look forward to tournament fishing this year as well
You talked about good 4 lbers for the tournament? Fork is a slot lake right? So can you weight in those fish? We fish in a tournament down there in the summer. Those would be in the slot right? Thanks
Awesome video as always. Fishing a club tournament Sunday over here on Cross lake in Shreveport. Good luck with yours. Hopefully I can find some fish. Was very tough yesterday.
Good stuff Billy. What is your best retrieve with the quake? I have had one for a few weeks now
Does the "Billy in the graph" tell u what time of day to fish the waypoints? Or which situation to fish it? Morning vs afternoon? "And when to set the hook?" ,just kidding on, setting the hook part! And will u do a March lake break down,before March is upon us?
Nice Job!!!

Good luck Billy.
Lake fork guide i love your videos man i would be nice if you subscribe to me thanks and take care from the captain
nice fishing video please come check out some of my fishing videos