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Gerald Swindle’s Recent Facebook Post Is A MUST Read For All Bass Anglers…

Randy comments on Gerald Swindle’s Facebook post..#bass #fish #fishingtrip #bassfishing #catchandrelease #fishing #fishingdaily #angler #fishinglife #livescope

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Swindle Facebook post….

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Technology in graphs could get so advanced that graphs could tell where the top 20 biggest fish in the lake resides down to precise location. So all fishermen will wait in line to make a cast at just those fish at any given moment. And guys will argue that it's right and ethical.

  2. I agree and also works the same way with the PWT and crappie tournaments. I am in a multi species fishing league and the leaders are bass fishermen with forward facing and live imaging. I will have to join them!!!!

  3. Totally agree with your perspective. It should be about the angler pitting their wit and intelligence against the fish. We should have to catch fish based on our ability to learn about bass and apply that learning on the water. Not go out there and start Googling bass on the water.

  4. The same thing could be said about tourney fishing in the first place. It’s about money but so is everything. BASS is a good organization and has done so much for the industry but the industry wouldn’t even exist without MONEY.

  5. First of all…the magic of shallow water bass fishing can never be matched by offshore fishing of ANY kind. You might as well be on a deep sea boat, imo. I’ve just never liked it…I like working different structure, seeing fish, encountering cool stuff along the shoreline. That stuff is at least half the battle as far as I’m concerned. Second, I never want to rely on high tech gadgets to catch fish. I’ll use a highly advanced reel or rod but realtime, underwater digital imaging is about three steps too far imo. At that point you’re not even really fishing anymore. You’re target shooting with a side of bait selection. It’s just not the same thing and I’ll never take part in it. Shallow water bass fishing is the only bass fishing I’ll ever do. Yeah, great…you took an 8 pounder off some obscure underwater blip in the middle of the lake. I’ll trade that for a few 3 pounders, a water snake sighting and an afternoon skipping/pitching jigs…and I’m not an “old guy”. I just love actual bass fishing. That’s the type of fishing I fell in love with as a young kid

  6. There is a lake in Northern Montana that has walleye tournaments. On April 27 of this year the one day total for 5 fish was 60.35 lbs. I've talked to a few of the anglers in yrs past as the weights keep getting higher and higher. These guys will spend two hrs following a big walleye around until they get him.. That's an average of just over 12lbs per fish.. just three yrs ago the average was around 43-46lbs.. all forward facing sonar weights..largest fish was 14+lbs..

  7. Putting pressure on the offshore fish, which is a vast expanse and better quality…
    Takes pressure off the onshore fish that routinely get beat on over and over all year…

  8. I’m not a big fan of it but the reality is that the older guy don’t wanna change this is a new age going on you have to option learn how to use it are stop putting your money in the pot

  9. Seems like you don't have learning stages anymore? So the guy who has a wealth of knowledge from years of experience isn't a factor in tournaments as much. Its almost like who was better at Nintendo growing up excels in fishing now days.

  10. My opinion Video fishing is killing our sport! I go to weight in with 18 pounds that should of won are gotta me and my grandson a check only to watch other win that stood on the front of their boat and watched a video game! Most of these guys don’t have a clue how even start putting a pattern together. I told my grandson this is my last year and he said why don’t we just start fishing with one of those units, I ask him what are we going to learn?

  11. Way too much fishing pressure on every lake across the lower 48, needs to be a time when lakes are closed to fishing especially during the winter months. Example starting in November to March all states need to close lakes and rivers to fishing during those months,this would help improve fishing a ton.

  12. Here's a tip for all you so called professional anglers, respect the lake the town and the local fisherman who just want to have a much deserved day off work to fish without being run over by 250 idiots in 75 mph water rockets racing to find and catch every damn fish in every corner of the lake!

  13. You can’t have it two ways, take all the electronics off of the boats! When I fished the local clubs back in the 70s most of us had one of the old circling depth finders, if someone had a paper graph, he was the crap! Some of us would try to get topographical maps on paper, and look at them to see if you could find points, and old creeks! I don’t know what the answer is, but all sports evolve, guns,bows,shells, arrows!

  14. Elephant in the room! Swindle just isn’t catching fish anymore… just like many of the other “popular” guys. The FFS guys aren’t “taking” swindles fish away. You still have to catch 18-21 lbs per day.

  15. The antagonists to FFS such as yourself iterate that young 25 yr olds are just video gaming and don’t know anything about “real” bass fishing…

    Here’s the truth. traditional bass fishing has proven to be a limited way to catch bass. Moreover, traditional bass fishing at best catches the smaller bass in the lake.

    “You don’t need to know that”… the mystery and magic… is a lame argument. Intrinsic value? What value?

    The sport has simply valued the biggest bags. Winners, past and present have the biggest bags of fish at the end of the week.

    FFS is the way forward. And Texas is laying the groundwork for how to properly maintain a fishery by stocking quality fish in quality lakes.

    The future of the sport will depend on a combination of a state supported lake enhancement projects in combination with federally and privately funded efforts to fill the lakes with quality fish.

    Bassmaster, MLF, etc need to be leaders in these efforts to develop the programs such as the lunker program in Texas. Hatch more fish that survive and thrive. Then you’ll be able to catch the offshore and on the bank. Which ever way you choose.

    The most reasonable recent change is the weighing of the fish on the boat with a Marshall and immediate catch and release. This saves the fish’s life. Trolling around like an idiot with a fish in your livewell is ridiculous and should be stopped immediately. You should be talking about that, RB. Holding up your fish at a weight-in for camera ops is killing the best fish in the lake. It’s been scientifically proven.

    Think about that for a min, and make a better video, better argument and a better way forward.

  16. Tell them boys using sonar don't even know how to fish go back to the 80s and 90s when you fish the bank the tournaments then you didn't have all that crap you just felt like a fish

  17. What was the case, when 2d sonar, was first allwowed? Left most of competition behind, right? Keep fan casting, for 20 min, without nothing…i feel as though, it gives way to ……newbies taking the cash!

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