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I think the reason they bite those ribbon tail worms is because they are keying on the last two inches of the worm which often is a different color than the body of the worm
Subscribe to simplistic fishing. Tell yoir friends and spread the word.
How do you rig the worm?
What brand underspin and swim bait is that?
It never ceases to amaze me how 26000 people can view this and only 1 or 200 expend the crazy energy it requires to hit a thumbs up.
Could you use topwater buzzbait in the fall I want you to make a video of you using saltwater play spades
Thanks for the info Billy. Glad to see you back. Semper Fi
Since I won that money in the big bass splash on a swim jig that's all I've been using to try and get better with it because that was my first time throwing one in the grass and weeds in about 3-4ft of water and it was killing it from the kayak and covering water
i appreciate your video. I've watched many videos and all are saying shad, shad, shad. I was at Table Rock last weekend and I went with shad presentations. Not a bite. I picked up my old faithful phantom craw crank and went to whacking them. Putting a few in the livewell and my livewell had orange craw pieces all over. not a piece of shad anywhere? Table Rock is a Rock lake with no grass. Is that the reason there on craw instead of shad? I seen several balls of bait and an occasional schooling feeding frenzy's.
It's about time you got back. Now, let's talk.
Let's go!!