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Rippin Lipz Lake Fork 2022 Bass Fishing

My dad, brother and I take a annual trip to Fork each year in March in search of a double digit bass. We caught some 4s,5s and 6s but no 10lber. We won’t give up and will be back next year to try to land a 10lber!!!

Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Fished fork for 25 years. Cuz of all the construction of boat docks . Keeps water muddy . And the grass is nothing like it used to be . Ive watched a lady control the trolling motor . While her stupud ass husband was leaning over . Pulling the lilly pads out of water . And throwing it up on shoreline . To keep his boat lane open . Stupidest shit ive ever seen

  2. Another sick video I am so hyped for our bass fishing season starting in 3 weeks here in 🇨🇦 we still have ice over our water eh can’t wait for the trout and bass season eh tabernac. We will be up to our tits in bass this season eh!!!

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