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Lake Fork Bass Fishing: Wacky Worm Tips

The ol wacky worm is a definite go to when the bass fishing gets tough in late summer/ early fall here at Lake Fork. Here’s a very in depth tutorial on how to grind out quality bites. Thanks for watching!

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Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. shhhh! just kidding. Excellent video. I've been wackin em with the wacky for about 2 years now. I always have oneΒ tied on.

  2. I live near Grapevine Lake and bank fish 2-3 times a week there. This lake has no vegetation to speak of. Stick ups and rocks is it pretty much. I'm using mojo rig plastics (split shots 6" up the line on a Texas rig hook) and alternate slow fishing and swimming it. Catching a few decent fish, but bites are sparse. Would a wacky rig here be of more benefit for any reason. These bites are dying off pretty early in the am. This is a tough lake from the bank anyway. Or, any other suggestions. Spinner baits are not so effective here anymore. Thanks for your help! I enjoyed this first time watching.

  3. Awesome video with great info! Thanks for sharing guys. I have always struggled with a wacky worm and mostly fish a drop shot or shaky head instead. I normally fish a wacky worm weightless so I am going to try the nail weight and see if that helps me out. My main issue with the weightless wacky worm is I just don’t feel bottom and it throws me off.

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