良い釣り! 魚を捕まえたい?Japanese angler Taku Itu loves finesse bass fishing. Even on Lake Fork in Texas, where big bass are abundant, Taku used what he learned fishing pressured waters in Japan to catch bass others were not. Ito recently won on the St Lawrence River catching 90lbs. of smallmouth bass using finesse fishing tactics and techniques. Learn one of Taku’s Japanese bass fishing secrets in this interview.
Buy Taku Ito’s finesse bass fishing tackle:
There's a reason why most finesse is rigs are casted on a spinning set up, that and the weight. Nice input.
Unbelievable how people are just now learning about JDM products and Japanese anglers. By far the best products on the bass fishing market. Best lures, soft plastics, colors, paint schemes, hooks etc and it’s not even close. OSP and megabass are arguably the top two in my opinion. There’s a reason pros don’t over advertise them!
What a great fisherman! And what a great human being!!!! 2022 should be very interesting!!!
If waving kid sees this 👋
Man I love this guy
He has a great spirit that can break through any tough situations. he must not be a good English speaker but his strong feeling on which he is attached to the fishing enables to talk with native speakers. I was deeply moved! すごーい!
When I watch the video three seconds, and I knew that is smallmouth game, then I said: sure ,drop shot, and finesse fishing style, but he still upgraded from 1/16 oz into 1/8,1/4 oz. Neko, wacky, Drop shot game.
These Japanese anglers giving out this information is gold to Americans. We're completely clueless without their special techniques, they will always have the next level on us and its a blessing that they give out this information. Itu is the dean of Bass University.
Love this guy ..Taku time!
I'm lost on the lure he's talking about using for this technique, swim jig?
I learned a lot. I feel that I understand a little about the scale of bass fishing in the United States and the importance of spinning reels in delicate fishing.
I think it's safe to say taku has quickly become a fan favorite as well as my favorite angler
Well what kind of worm or what was he using!?
He looks like a Japanese McLovin.
That’s awesome!! Great video!!
havint seen the last of him many wins in his future pretty cool hes never caught a small mouth till he fished b.a.s.s. bet hes hooked now lol
Does the guy giving all the information get royalties or is he being taken advantage of?
This guy is amazing
Itu is amazing! His boat is smallmouth DisneyLand!
I hear those Japanese fellas are some awesome anglers…!
This sport of bass fishing doesn’t discriminate. Anyone can fish!
Can we talk about how he is learning our language (doing a great job of it too) and brave as he talks in front of so many people. I know many foreign people who are learning and almost too emberrassed to speak, which they shouldn't be, but I understand why. He is an inspiration and I just wanted to say I am proud of him.
Droppin gems