
DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE & Lake Fork Bass Champs Practice

This is practice for the Bass Champs tournament on Lake Fork next weekend, but first I have to address something a co-angler in the Toyota Series shared with me about his boater texting and driving, the screen shot for this video is an accident from exactly that, texting and driving, this one lit my fire.

Sorry the flyer for the Zavalla Volunteer Fire Department tournament didn’t have any contact info on it, so I’ll get it up soon once it is updated.

#donttextanddrive #lakefork #breakingrules

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My camera, mount and wind mic for dash footage:

GoPro Black 5 has best set up for external mic

Rode External Microphone

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Movo Shoe extender

GoPro Gooseneck

GoPro 3.5 Mic Adapter

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YOLOtek PowerStick

GoPro Hero 8 Black .

Guys from lots of trial and error, across my 5 cameras the best disk (and recommended by GoPro for the 7 and 8 series) is the Extreme Pro, buy a 64 or 128 gb here cheap!

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Still looking for Bigfoot, dude hollar at me at my email address is

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. I’m pretty sure that photo you have on the video is a friend of mine from Oregon. He was fishing with a friend in the friend’s boat on the opening of salmon season for that area if my memory serves me. That collision basically destroyed the boat. I think the boat owner went through quite an ordeal on top of it all to get his boat replaced. Seems like it happened in 2017 or 18. I could ask him but it’s not important. Totally an avoidable deal and one heck of an end to a fishing trip.

  2. Mind your own buisness! This is hear say and you can't describe someone and call them out on hearsay. This could have been a pissed off co-angler that didn't catch anything. Did you even call this guy and ask him about this alleged incident???? I think not!!!! So there you go!!!!

  3. I remember a time a little over a year ago we were fishing a highschool tournament on Rayburn and it was the same day as the outlaw outdoors last team standing tournament. There was a team fishing that event and they pulled up within casting distance of us in the middle of Black Forest and one of the guys proceeded to tell us he was going to put his boat about 20ft in front of ours if we didn’t leave. We ended up leaving but looking back that was a terrible move on that guys part. People are jerks.

  4. This had to be turned in by the witness or nothing ever changes. It has to be forcefully addressed by the tournament officials. Turn this in ASAP. Safety is the first and foremost issue with boat operation.

  5. Ken if your a co angler in that situation you should say shut it down and simply say "Take me to the dock now" and the rest will take care of itself…

  6. The live fishing on fork is fun to watch. I wish they would have the guys struggling on more. Just to hear their thoughts compared to the guys catching.

  7. Texting while driving boat at speed. “JUST PLAIN STUPID”; probably wont be long for this world in his young years = sadly will take someone with him-
    Be interested in comparison on approaches .
    Thanks Ken

  8. I don’t comment a lot – but I really enjoy your channel and have been subscribed for a long time. Really looking forward to the tin boat review – planning on buying one this spring – sold my Z521 recently – and looking forward to the switch – owned metal boats in the past – and really enjoyed the experience. On the subject of reporting boating accidents – ABSOLUTELY – AND – most importantly – the violators should be identified and details shared with all major tournament circuits – yes – down to the BFL level or as far as you can go. MANY (not all) are REPEAT OFFENDERS!!!!! IF you are ever involved – personally – the damages to individuals is justification to take this action. I almost typed – apologies for the length of this message ……. no – no apology necessary!!!!!

  9. What’s the difference between looking at your phone or the 2 12” screens sitting right in front of your face when your going down the lake? You ever look at them while your driving? If you say no you are full of it

  10. All lakes require caution, but Fork especially so. I haven’t fished everywhere, but Fork can be dangerous. Lots of traffic and stumps, you just have to exercise extreme caution at all times most especially with the lake so low.

  11. My right shoulder has been painful for years. I am 61. Yesterday i had surgery to fix the full tear rotator cuff and a tore bicep muscle. Today i am sore, but hopefully like you the worst is now behind me. I wished i had this work done many months ago. I live in Alabama, but enjoy all of your boat and Texas lake reviews. Thanks.

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