Trey McKinney wins the 2024 AFTCO Bassmaster Elite at Lake Fork with 130 pounds, 15 ounces. He moves into 4th place in the record books on the All-Time B.A.S.S. Weight list. The 19-year old rookie also becomes the youngest angler to win an Elite Series title (19 years, 7 days).
McKinney wins first B.A.S.S. victory in record fashion:
#bassmaster #lakefork #winner
LMAO Kid ! Congratulations ! I bet the first snipers with scoped rifles heard the same crap from the old heads ! LOL ! LOVE Your Win !
Love that they are Christians!!!! Congratulations!!! God bless you young man!!
I’m not saying ffs has to go away but there needs to be a limit. Limit to one live transducer unit and one standard transducer two 15” screens max make it a tournament at least. Also limit it to brand of electronics per boat.
LOL! Bare with this 79+ OLE TIME FISHERMAN. These "kids" aren't just "SCOPERS". They can do it all. "Old Timers" bitching about it not neing "Real Fishing" need to stop & reflect. Don't yall remember when Ray Scott was considering BANNING the use of FLIPPING? He didn't, but history shows he was seriously thinking about it. Everyone chill, we've come a long way from the late 50's & early 60's with our tubular rods, Pflueger, shakespeare baitcasters spooled with dacron line. PS: DON'T FORGET GEORGE PERRY WAS 19 YO WHEN HE SET THAT WORLD RECORD.Thanks for allowing an "Ole Guy" to vent a little steam.
representing southern illinois let’s go
Congratulations! Thanks for giving God the glory because without Him we have nothing.
Sickening to say the least. The magic bass fishing had is gone. The mystery is gone. Disgusting.
Well, if you put me on top for the fish, I'll win too 😂😂
This comment section is an indicator to the health of BASS. Now I have to spend 20 – 50k in electronics to be competitive? When do I get my augmented reality glasses so I can see hologram fish to cast to.
We are watching the next generation of greats coming the old heads salty. I love it!
I'm going to cancel my subscription to bassmaster I'm tired of watching what the sport has become. F ffs
The livescope dream
Congratulations to this youngster! B.A.S.S. has new blood. And they bringing the heat! But how does a Illinois kid have a southern accent? Lol
Congrats Trey everyone on the tour has scope and you were able to out compete them! It shows skill despite what everyone says
I'm happy for the kid and impressed he was the best scoper for four days but it certainly doesn't feel the same when experienced pros fish the elites for a whole career without winning and young guys like Trey and Kyoa show up and don't even shed a tear!? Does it really mean the same?
I’m happy for the guy, but I doubt he makes the top fifty without ffs. Bassmaster has ruined the sport! I’m done. I will not renew my subscription and will not watch on television!
Please keep giving them green fish sore mouths; saves bait for me.
Bwahaha what a joke. Sad actually.
Looking at the live scope it’s still not that easy to use it. I guarantee everybody talking about it cheating one can’t afford it let alone use it lmao.
Everybody can use the scope tho.
What’s the point of fishing if you know the fish is there