
Highlights: Day 4 Bassmaster action at Lake Fork

Catch the Day 4 highlights from the 2024 AFTCO Bassmaster Elite at Lake Fork.

#bassmaster #lakefork #highlights

Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Bassmasters sucks now. Never thought I would say that but when technology is the most important aspect of fishing it makes me sad and lose interest.

  2. If you are a PRO there is no way Forward Facing Sonar should be legal Band these Electronic's its killing the sport and half these guys can't fish without it!!! Take it away see how good they do.I don't consider it fishing anymore its like there all gamers its really not fiishing

  3. I am not a fan of FFS. At all. I don't think Milikens and McKinney's of the world could compete at the top level without it. BUT…. it's here so there has to be a compromise somewhere. Not a suggestion but an example. I think everyone should get to practice with FFS but you could only use it on the actual tournament on say day 2 and 4 or 1 and 3 or something. I think it would show us several things. Who of the new crop could fish without it and it would still allow the new kids on the block to fish to their strengths and make the old school guys level up to the new technology. I think it would also make the new kids learn how to read a lake without it and they would be better overall as well. I don't know it just seems like it doesn't need to be all or nothing. There is no reason BASS can't keep the next generation interested and in the sport, and by the BASS you should they are the future, but do it without losing the legends and greats of the past. That is also a mistake.

  4. I tend to agree with most on here. Electronics have always been part of the sport but its gotten to the point of unfair advantage. Just because we have thermal scopes doesn’t mean we can hunt deer and elk at night. Same thing as livescope IMO. I’m cool with recreational guys using them and whatnot, but shouldn’t be allowed in tournaments.

  5. B.A.S.S. has a problem and they know they have a problem. Maybe the headline should be 19 year old spoiled brat beats the field in video game fishing…..Saying that congrats to the kid he did beat everyone else doing the same thing.

  6. The “Scopemasters Sportsman’s Society” came out strong! And for the record Rivets 10.12 should not’ve been allowed. Hooking a fish outside the mouth while site fishing and allowing it as a legal catch is TOTAL BS!

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