Chris Zaldain heads to Lake Fork to fish the Bassmaster Elite Series event.
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Does your nitro ride as good as your skeeter did.
Stop screaming no.
Drop something ….
Tether balls the $hit! Til u jack 1 n ur buddys nose is bleeding!! Lol brings back some memories!!
Some bigs! Loveur vids! Handlin those gar w/ trebs is flirtin w/ disaster!
Tether ball. Love your dogs
Awesome man I have a small YouTube channel would love to get in contact with bassmafia and you. What a beanger. Happy easter
Hell yea brother!! Cathchin some tanks!!
Another good video and what a day of fishing!!!
Chris, I hope to see you at Lake Ray Roberts next year and watch you collect that 300k first place check.
Did you lose a sponsor bc you “bad mouthed” ffs?? If so that’s crazy! That’s them trying to control the narrative
Wow wouldn't want your fuel bill. Great caravan man
Another banger. Thanks for letting us watch.
Great video, can’t wait to see a shop build update!!!!!
Don’t let the wife tell ya any different brother 😂 “fuck that ditch, that’s what a 4×4 dully is built for” 👏🏼 keep up the good work man 💯
Seeing that progressive hat makes me sad I just got a letter in the mail saying I’ve been dropped I guess it’s because I claimed my lower unit last fall 😭😭
I vote James Watson for the Bilge!
Man I was so pumped when you caught that 8 first thing during the tourney
Charles is the bomb! Awesome reel vibes!
When can we expect the show about Bryan New’s DQ. Want to have Feider tell him he should be suspended for a year.
What wind guard do you use for your osmo action 4? Need to get one for mine!
What are those gloves you have on?
The last 15 sec was the best thing I’ve seen in a while!!!!❤
I watch a lot of practice you tube videos. You seem to stick way more fish in practice than most. Something to consider. I know it’s Lake Fork but you caught like 5 – 8 lbers on day 3 of practice.
Chris love the channel how real you and wife are … time to walk the dogs classic love it ! Keep up the good work brother much love!!!!!!
Always enjoy watching all your videos. I bought one of your swim baits, looking forward to trying it over here in the state of Washington.
Great Show 👍🏻
Where's the HOODFISHING content?
Hey Chris, Bryan New is dq and calls out the protester by name on FB and you give him props! Guess if you cheat and try and justify it somehow that makes it ok.
Release date on those zaldaingerous rods???
This vid made my week. And hey I caught my pb on my the Zaldain top hook. Crazy week so far.
Lets get the MB stuff back in your hands so the Force balance shall be finally restored!
Really hoping they can take care of you and you get back home!!!
Best day of fishing ever(dogs are happy to see you)! Worst day of fishing ever( dogs are happy to see you) 😃 man I love my dogs🐕
Just watched hanks pod cast. Mentioned you several times. Thank you for helping people at least discuss FFS and not have to hide from the discussion!!!! Something has to change!
just curious where you got the remove before flight tag on the key?
I have mine on the motor toter
Trait is so smart, all she said was, "Stop swinging on em'"
Another great video and what a BANGER stringer on that last day of practice! Thanks for taking us along
Kudos to your family. That was cool video!