Fall bass fishing is indeed awesome and today we will show you guys that it is possible to catch big bass after cold fronts! Thanks for watching!
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Be sure to enter the code yourlakeforkguide for a 10% discount on . https://6thsensefishing.com/
Waterland Eyewear, enter the code yourlakeforkguide for a 10% discount- https://www.waterlandco.com
Smashtech Custom Baits- https://smashtechbaits.com/
Striker Raingear- https://strikerbrands.com/collections/adrenaline
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Awesome video and day fishing Billy, I'm gonna have to say for me maybe biggest fish cuse you can go all day and if you catch that 1 good'n that can jus make the trip so worth it. The tug is a drug that's so addictive 👊
is that Lake Fork?
Guys need to have a shoot out, as you've seen to be putting it on Oz lately. Due a bowling and fishing video……🤣
Two hammer guides in one boat lol.
I believe it is the most biggest fish!!!!! Lol
Good times in the cold weather!
Let’s see more of David Ozio and bass catching
Looks like a Kentucky
Heavy jackets how cold