It is the time of year where the OBN host the Kayak bassmasters series, top 5 participants get the oppourtunity to fish in the Kayak Bassmaster National that will take place in Lake Fork Texas in March 2025
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Nelly good morning and it was a pleasure following your tournament journey! You made many positive milestones you kept fighting and grinding although you had ups and downs you never gave up! Even the best anglers go through them it’s all apart of the process, but look at what you have achieved during this time you learned and grew as an angler taking new and farther steps! I’ve watched your journey cause I’m beginning my path to becoming a bass angler starting next year I’ll be on the water fishing from a kayak in Colorado! You have inspired me to take a leap of faith in this huge bass fishing community so thank you Nelly and I’ll watch you continue to grow and you will get to that top 10 spot and even bring home some hardware let’s go!!!! Tight lines take care and God bless brother!❤❤