Spoon fishing on Lake Fork with light line in open water. I fought a 9.5 pound bass that was hooked in the tail for over 6 minutes on 10 lb LFT FH line and a Dobyns Savvy 702 spinning rod. It was the best and longest fight I have ever has with a big bass ever.

34 17 Less than a minute
That's a good looking Sally..
You foul hooked the final bass, lucky.
Wow! That was a nice fight! Great job man! I have a question. How do you know when to pull left or right while reeling in the catch?
It had to be an accidental catch … If you look close that was his spoon in the basses back .
What was the weight of the spoon?
That's why it was such a fight
, you didn't have control of her head! Amazing bass
She has a treble hook on her back
That is really good stuff an drum beating music. Great job on landing her. They always make me nervous when the line or fish get close to the motor. And cool camera angle down by the water in front of your boat. Thanks for the great work you share with us. I just posted a net breaking fish video, but nothing like Salley.Β
duh, don't you read?
Man Justin, I really love the videos. This one and the big bass challenge in particular, but all of your videos especially the instructionals are great. I am actually a Bama guy (born in Mobile) but I married an Aggie so I have a soft spot in my heart for Aggies. Keep up the good work dude and we need to go fishing some time. Sure I could learn a lot from a pro like you!!! P.S. Welcome to the SEC, Roll Tide (and Gid 'Em)!!!!
Keeps you from getting sun burnt on your face and neck. Theyre great, use em all the time. Theyre breathable too so you dont feel suffocated.
No wonder why it took 10 minutes to get that thing it, she was snagged in the back. Always makes for a better fight
Snagged! There is a hook in its back but still a nice catch beats any bass ive caught.
Come check out our 10lb Bass missed!!!!
If that was in lake fork, which is where he's based out of, it probably wasnt a legal fish. You can keep anything from 1"-16" and anything over 22" or 23". That typically means it has to be at least 10-11lbs. Plus, he is interested in letting others catch it again. I'd absolutely put it back.
you texas boys love the spoon man…we must not throw it enough in south carolina…gonna give it a try after watching this
On the first one he just found the fish on the line without doing nothing.Nice spoon snagged on the back of the second one .World best Bass Fisherman ( LUCKIEST)
there was a hook on the back of the 9 lbs bass. did u snag it?
This one was vertical
jigging it, maybe a winter time video
are you vertical jigging or you retrieving it like a flutter spoon? can u do an instructional video on how to use that spoon?
Awesome video Justin! To the people that are stuck on the fact the fish was hooked in the tail, it happens. When they are grouped up out deep and you are jerking a bait through them, sometimes they miss it and get hooked in other body parts. It will be ok I promise. California is the only state that, that would not be considered a legal catch..
damn awesome video man
epic battles… nice bass'n …. sweet sportsmanship catch and release … lol almost lost a Dobyns Rod to Big Sally at 3:30
Great catch and release man
u hooked her on the back tail 4:18
Sick Boat, Sick Fishermen, Sick Video, I dont know what else to say!
Probably better to have hooked her there than in the mouth where line rub might have lost that fish. Well done dude! Love the enthusiasm after the catch!
Is that over by the dam on Fork?
Is that over by the dam on Fork?
@careymilleronline Big Thanks
Great job all around Justin! You played that fish like pro! Quality video production too!