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Topwater Smallmouth Bass Fishing in Canada

Fishing for smallmouth bass in Canada with my Dad on Rainy Lake was one of the best bass fishing trips I’ve ever been on. The bass were not huge, but the scenery was amazing! For a Texas boy, it sure was a lot of rocks and trees to take in. We had great topwater fishing conditions on our first day out. It was misting and overcast and the smallmouth were up shallow hanging around rocks and boulders on main lake pocket areas. There was also a May Fly hatch going on which made the topwater bite even better I think.

Lucky Craft Sammy
Jackall SK Pop
Some Kind of Fly
3/16 OZ jig and grub

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SNAPCHAT – LakeForkGuy

Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. You picked a fantastic Canadian lake for smallmouth bass. So much structure its mind boggling. My buddies and I fished there maybe a year earlier the water was 5ft above normal but the fishing was still great.

  2. Been fishing smallmouth my whole life here in Ontario, and if I may make a suggestion Justin, you should slow down with your topwater baits, especially if you miss a fish. Whipping the bait out of the strike zone at high speed to re-cast just spooks all the fish in that immediate area. And sometimes there's a bunch in a tiny spot. Great video, as always!

  3. So glad you posted all the videos man. I’m doing a little research before i make the trip from Texas to CanadaLand next month. Heading right around the corner from Rainey Lake. Keep up the good work and excellent videos. Watchin’ and Learnin’

  4. whats funny is I was supposed to take my dad to that lake this year but he couldn't get his passport. And also whats ironic was my rods broke on the flight to Rainy last year too.

  5. Too bad I didn't start following till after this. I would have borrowed you my gear to fish when you where up here. Glad you found some nice smallies in my home lake! By the way, the rainy river has even better smallies fishing than the lake especially in the June/July time frame. Bigger fish are caught in the river each year during tourneys than the lake.

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