WATCH the day before where we focus on ledges
Our second day of fishing Kentucky lake we focused on fishing jigs and frogs for largemouth bass in shallow bushes around the bank in the morning. We the sun got high, we ran out and fished some ledges around the main lake creek channel for deeper bass, but the current was not flowing and made the bite very tough. Drew fished a drop shot worm while I fished a shakey head for those fish. We then moved up to some shallow lily pads and I witnessed the best topwater frog bite I have seen all year! That one fish alone was worth going out in the heat for. We packed it in after it got really hot, but it was clear that the best bite was early when the lake was generating current.
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SNAPCHAT – LakeForkGuy
Three trips ago I cought a 2.5 on the first cast. The rest of the day turned out to be slow and half as productive as the time before and now the time after haha.
You and your buddy would be a good team. Y’all communicate well not even talking. He’s a good fisherman as well.
I caught a 3lb bass yesderday
this video from spring time frame?
That dude your fishing with sets the hook like he's trying to kill the fish
great video!
+LakeForkGuy Random question but what kind of shorts are you wearing and where did you get them?
Sexy skip on that jig at 4:25
My lake near me has a big ma fly hatch of the biggest mayfly species in the world and the only thing the bass will eat is mayflies, the only way to catch bass during this time period is fly fish for them. Keep up the good work.
Cool video!!!
how can you tell when the fish are shallow
Drew the jig master making a sick skip @4.25 of the vid 😏
I think that was just an excuse for getting your frog stuck in a tree.😆
I think that was just an excuse for getting your frog stuck in a tree.😆
Wanting to buy either a Shimano Curado 70 or the Lews Tournament Pro g. I'm mostly going to be using all around baits, looking for which is "best" in terms of quality. Only can spend 200$
My grandfather lives on the privite dock ramp right there i come up there for 2 weeks if u stay around there mabye we could fish if so my insta is @baller.kidd_
+LakeForkGuy i caught a 20 pound catfish in that cove and i have a pic of a 12 pound drum on a ledge
In the last video what color swimbaits were you throwing on the football heads?
That heat is awful in ky
anyone subscribe to my channel I'll subscribe back
Nice day on the water. Love those pick your poison days when you can catch'em doing about anything you want.
Lol not hating but lake fork has mayflies too
nice day right there. what is that ring you wear on your right hand? fyi that little thumbnail in the bottom right corner covers up the last word or two of those pop up comments. watching this on a cell phone
Hello I just got a GoPro Hero 4 silver and was wondering what is the best setting to film fishing with a chest mount? Thank you!
Lol yea it gets hot in Kentucky.
Never underestimate the power of mayfly hatch!
How was the water visibility ?
Felt like i was there with you guys on Kentucky Lake! Nice job on filming and editing Justin!
Can't wait to fish this lake in 4 weeks for the BASS high school nationals looks exciting!
why do you guys not keep some of the fish? bass tastes really good!!!
(im sorry i do not know i fish a small lake, please inform me)
hey lake fork guy, I'm going to my g4anparents house near lake fork, in tx. Do you think we could setup a fishing trip with you within the next week? It would be an honor to fish with you
hey LFG, i was wondering what you use to hold your audio? i noticed that you have something in your back pocket that your mic is plugged into.. where can i get one?
great video thks
good videos and good team work guys
was out there Saturday
Love the new graphics. Great video
This is my home lake, so I hope you enjoyed fishing it! 7:20 are you fishing by New Johnsonville??Tight Lines!
I just watched your thing on FLW. That's awesome!
Are you near Jonathan creek/Jonathan river?
LFG do you have a tutorial on skipping lures back under bushes or docks somewhere? If not could you maybe do one? I have seen the one where you get bored one night and practice in your house, but maybe do one showing the technique out on the water?
Awesome vid as always. Was Drew using fluoro or braid for flipping the bushes?
Awesome Fish great video! thanks for sharing!! GONEFISHIN!
As always Like!
This might be a stupid question, but is it possible to learn how to fish deep without electronics?
4:23 that skip
How do u fish ur rage toad
caenen or casitas?
you should see the may fly hatch in upper peninsula Michigan. they basically carpet the water. the only thing that you can fish with is a frog. and your lucky if you get a bite