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East Texas Bass Fishing: The Summer Bass that 75% of Anglers forget about! Big Topwater = Big Bass!

Bass Amigos Versa Jig-

Cornerstone Baits-

YLFG Guide Consultations-

YLFG Pro Lanes-

Fish Lyfe App iPhone app store version-

Fish Lyfe App Android version here-

Fish Lyfe App, Web Based Version for all device types including iPhones-

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Cornerstone Baits-

Smashtech Custom Baits-

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Cornerstone baits are TOP of the line. I bought them when the big swift was first thing out and have caught tons of fish on them. The best components and paint jobs. No corners cut. Better than 6 th sense. This is not a lie. I live in SC have won a lot of money on them

  2. You should have come to the James River in this 100 degree heat. The Pros taught me alot about this tidal thing. I also learn a ton from you! Stay consistent on the new videos. I am watchin!

  3. Awesome video! I just recorded a bass fishing video for my channel and it’s cool to see how other people are doing!! I love watching your videos, keep up the good work! 🎣🀝🎣

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