Josh got together with Justin from LakeForkGuy to go combat fishing for baby goliath groupers. Justin has dreamed of catching a baby goliath grouper. These little guys are bass on steroids! The day started off with Josh and Justin catching mullet for live bait. We then headed further inshore to a bridge where the baby goliath groupers dwell. After a few minutes of fishing, Justin hooked up and the fish quickly broken the line. Over a dozen fish were lost between Josh and Justin. Josh had an epic battle but was defeated. Finally, Justin broke the ice and caught a baby goliath grouper (estimated weight was between 6-8lbs). After Justin released his grouper, Josh hooked up and landed a big snook (estimated weight was between 17-20lbs). It shocked us both! Overall, what an incredible experience being humbled by these little giants!
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Filmed in Florida!
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Offshore Cobia Fishing with Epic Shark Action:
Bass Fisherman Experiences the Ultimate:
And y'all r pros…..
Dude was a mini me ( Josh) as far as attack mode. LOVE IT BRO!!!!
What action rod
What rod are you using
Where was this…?
U have came a looooonnnggg way
Amazing video
I love how bass fisherman over exaggerate every fish's weight. Yeah I wonder why a 20lbs bass is so much less of a fight. People don't understand how big a 20lbs fish really is.
Teen age mutant Goliath grouper
I have caught up to 23
I know it is 2020 but I thought it was xs1 golieth on call of duty mobile😂
Do a blue marlin in Florida challenge Like so he can see
Lake fork guy catches blue marlin
WoW iTs jUsT lIkE a BaSs
Should Be called ballbuster fishing line
Gotta stop handling fish by the gills
lawson did easily
BlacktipH as usual what rods and reels did both of you use?
This is awsome I'm glad bass dont fight this hard. I would go broke from bait and tackle and be wore out after the second fish. Looks like a good work out tho
We’re is this?
Now this is what happens to cocky people
it like a amaber jack
Where is this
bro u gotta calm down!!
this is where Cyril in chasing monsters fished for goliaths but he went for big ones
how did you get Matt Ryan on the channel?
NO WAY, Thanks for showing me where NOT to go fishing…lol
Go fishing for strawberry grouper
I saw a 6 year old girl catch a baby grouper
Try to target giant not Goliath giant grouper
I've went fishing there before I just catch like little lady fish and crookers
I am your 650,000 subscriber. No joke. Congrats
When they said sinook were they talking about the salmon