largemouth bass, Fishing the G2 Shellcracker.Topwater fishing, Bass Fishing, giant banana, lake havasu, lake fork,bass boat, fox, outdoors
largemouth bass, Fishing the G2 Shellcracker.Topwater fishing, Bass Fishing, giant banana, lake havasu, lake fork,bass boat, fox, outdoors
Just got my 1st shell cracker
Great marketing, always sold out, weird, plastic and made in China, they can order as many as they wish, oh no, say there all gone and make it desirable, good luck to them, they are smart, but all the sheep lining up to buy them…all the retailers should drop them, they openly admit to keeping stock for direct sales.
This in stockton delta area?
thats not the new revo its the megabass competition baitcasting reel and its from Japan
What reel is that?
caught some nice bass on the shimmy shads, aka fake fish this year in Illinois, the baits are Not as durable as i thought they would be, but getting 3 per pack is nice, and worth the money. keep making good lures!
nice guys