It’s winter at Lake Fork and that means pre spawn bass fishing and today we’re on the hunt for big bass at #goatlake !!! Thanks for watching!
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Coming in March with a few buddies, hoping we can site fish a little, getting away from Rayburn for some different scenery.
How do you like the Yamaha sho
What’s the water temp down there?
I really wanna go fishing but up here in Michigan it’s all frozen!
Great video. 👍🏽 “Pink Pond Princess” New Female Fishing & Outdoors YouTube Channel Stopped By👋🏽😀💖🎣👸
Hate to say this but one of these days your dogs gonna hate fishing when one of those treble hooks pierces her lip. My friends dog ALWAYS WANTED TO LICK EM…… one day, bammmmm! He didn’t move a muscle cause he had a whole treble hook in both lips! That dog won’t go fishing again.
No better way to honor your friend👍
Good god I’m jealous! We’re all iced over and you guys are pre spawn… wtf my man
Beautiful fish man! Great video and can't wait for the next!!!
Really enjoy the channel. Good content. What is the depth your boat is sitting in and what depth are you throwing to?
I know you set up on the inside bends and throw your jig to the outside bends of the creek channels. Are umyou targeting visible timber?
Love all the seminars and videos you create! Thanks Andrew!#RippinLipsInc #YOUTUBE #SUBSCRIBE