#lakefork #bassmaster #geraldswindle
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the marshal was bout as nimble as a paraplegic cat squirrel with amputated fingers.
My man.
I didn't really get into fishing until about 12 years ago.
It helped me deal with things I could not control. But the frustration was getting to even then. I happened across you in a few videos.
I said to myself. If another ole redneck like me from Alabama can keep a positive attitude when it goes south.
I damned sure can too.
Thank you brother. Respect for you. Lay Lake Al.
This needs to be that marshal's last dance, that guy can barely move
Love the old boy giving it his all marshaling for you. But damn G! You gotta recognize that pre tournament and fill him up with a case of Red Bull and a fist full of Motrin and adderall! Gotta get him walkin on sunshine 😊
That old man was giving it everything he had. Looks like an old Vet. Personally, I feel like just suck it up, as an angler. That old guy could’ve been stuck piddling around at home or getting to go out on the boat to be a Marshall. I know which one of those two things I’d rather do in my golden years when they get here.
This man is a Gas
Your day is coming again G-Man, trust me. God has the plan for you, and it will play out soon.
Lulu can put together the best 12 minute video…kicking Bassmaster videos in the nuggets one video at a time. Keep it coming!!
You have got to be the funniest darn fish person on the water. Just luv to hear you talk and the comments that come out your mouth are just heavenly…..Oh yeah!! can they find older folks to weigh you all. good gosh I thought he was going for a swim or have a heart attack…
Gman I absolutely respect your patience with your marshall I can see where it could be very easy to get in a bad mood when you're trying to get a roll on my hats off to you and I admire your outlook on life and how you strive to remain positive I learn something from you in every video you post podcast you attend if not a fishing tip I can guarantee that you can definitely help me see the brighter side of things keep on keeping on sir
I want one of those gopro camera mounts…. that thing is sturdy enough to hold that marshall up..
That poor ol Marshall was struggling like the last thread on your favorite pair of underwear
BASS seriously put a Marshall in the boat that can literally barely get around?? SMH 😂 🤣
The marshals / judges need to pass a physical ability test, that could be really dangerous. Ole boy had a hard time walking and standing up
pma bro
I know the Marshall was trying to enjoy the day too but lawd he could have cost you some fish 🤣
Why do you always get Marshall's like that? Bless him and you! Lisa was not being nice to you, that's your thing up there. We all like to hear you speak no matter how well you did.
G man you may not of had a good tournament, but thank you for not giving in and use ffs. Thank you for fishing the way that you fish the best.
No disrespect to your Marshall, but I almost thought you had Biden in the boat. Lol.
G MAN, next piece of equipment we need to see in your boat is a defibrillator. That Marshall appears to not favor to much cardio.
Why are agencies so scared to ban the cancer that is livescope?
Love ya GMAN
I love older fisherman, hell I’m one of them. But they need to have the physical ability to move around the boat quickly. I’d love to be a Marshall but my body says I’d be in the way. Come on BM get some younger guys with the ability to
Last time I was at lake Fork was 1997, in its hay day. I could run the lake trails etc. Went back in Nov 2021 and was scared to death because the lake was low and zero trees standing. All my maps were useless. Once you get off, the marked routes idle is a must, or bye, bye lower unit.
I remember one time G Man said if you make a random cast out towards the middle of the lake while beating the bank and you thump one. Then proceed to beat the bank after that fish bit like a dummy…. Listen to the fish, it wasn’t luck…GMan, you got the tools and greatness to catch em with FFS… put it down and go get em. The legends have yet to adapt. Be that dude
Sorry for your finish 😔 but you go get the next time. I'll be praying for you 🙏
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Gman if you can't compete with the Scopers, you can always try your hand at standup. I think you've got what it takes to be a star!
He had Andy Reid on the boat.
I respect you more than angler in the business. Please stay true to your roots of real fishing and not the handicap scoping.
You're the best
The Marshall must of been Joe Biden’s brother!😂
Gerald, you can go out there and catch em like a bad case of the clap! And we are gonna hoop n holler for you, or you can go around there and catch nothing but the level of respect everyone has for you, and you have for fellow anglers is the best out there, you know that old saying the old timers use to say, if I don’t never kill another one I’ve killed a plenty in my time! You’ve reached that G! I’ve been a fan since the 90’s and ima continue to be a fan. Keep up the good work big dawg! Don’t let the gas station hotdogs get you caught with your pants down 😂
Bless that Marshall’s heart. I try to walk in his shoes, but I would probably roll an ankle. Keep grinding G.
Lovin' the new boat, G-man! That boat is my dream! ❤
Mr. Boat Marshall, thank you for your service!
This Marshall should not be allowed in the boats with these pros, I'm not condemning the man because of his physical conditions but, if push came to shove these kind of Marshall's will be a big detriment to these fisherman.
Dang G was joe biden your marshall ??😂 not safe for that feller to be out there..not making fun of him being old hey it happens just saying
Keep fishing the old way! you know what I mean