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Bass Fishing Tournament Angler Caught Cheating?!? Guy Catches Giant Bas and Wins a New Boat!!!

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Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Wait a minute. Hard to know what the intent was because even though the tournament director said he didn't do anything illegal, he actually didn't come clean until right before the polygraph. So, even though most here agree that the title is clickbait, I would like to know more about what was said right before he came clean. Not sure this is as clear cut as most think. He could be totally innocent, but there is a chance that right before the polygraph he panicked and told the truth. Of course, it could also be that when the guy re-read the rules about the live well, the fisherman said…oh damn….I had four in the live well, and said so at that exact moment, which would make it likely an innocent mistake. I'm leaning towards innocent mistake, but you have to understand that the tournament director doesn't want to be sued, either, so he is going to err on the side of saying it was innocent if a plausible explanation can be made for it being an honest mistake.

  2. I am from England so am not fully up to scratch with the rules, if you have 3 fish in your live well but then catch a larger fish can you swap the larger fish with a smaller one from your live well?

  3. No respect for you or your channel. What a disgrace to the sport you are. I suggest all of the people that follow you in any way get an apology but still should hit that unsubscribe button. Ridiculous. You owe this young man an apology for sure and he should sue you for slander.

  4. @YourLakeForkGuy i’d say that’s crossing the line in this title, even with the question marks. You’d be pissed if someone did this to you for an honest mistake. You did well in the video to say not to come down on the guy…but then to even question it as cheating to grab views in BS. Lame dude. Change the title.

  5. What is that kid's name that was supposedly cheating? My lawyer would like to speak with him$$$. Not really what was said but his picture all over social media…. lawsuit comin😂

  6. What a rotten title. And you doubled down on it in your intro. He didn't cheat. I've DQd guys for similar violations and would never, ever, blast them for all the world to see as a cheater.

  7. This is treading on defamation of character imo. No matter what you say in the video, the video title says ",Bass Fishing Tournament Angler Caught Cheating?!?". Nice click bait.

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