Heath Taylor from Smashtech shows us how to pour your own soft plastic lures for bass fishing in today’s episode. Thanks for watching!
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Smashtech Website- https://smashtechbaits.com/
Sup fellas I'm late to this party but how do y'all rig those?
Can I still enter?
Love this video
Smack teck #1 last long use them
Smash Tech Custom Baits. Great Video
I’ve thrown these and had lots of trouble with hitch hiker pulling out on first couple casts. Any hints on how to prevent this
I have made my own fiberglass molds for, jig trailers, drop shot worms, creature baits. I've spent 72$ so far and won't have to buy any baits for a long time.
Thank you senior for the tutorial, the soflure is really good, I like the video
Is there a link or a webpage to where I can buy custom colors
How much and how many come in a pack
I’m a little late 😂
It’s a work of art! There’s a lot more to making molds and pouring resin than the average person knows. Just creating the mold original is an intricate and tedious process. Nice job. Best regards, Richard
I think you can do it yourself, just watch and learn from Woodglut.
Smashtech custom baits
What brand clear coat do you use and is it heated I've made some swimbaits but haven't dipped them in clear coat thanks
He's full of shit lol, it's way cheaper to make you're own plastics than to buy them, for example, I made 100 4" 10g swimmers with 1litre of plastisol that cost me £15, some holographic glitter for £5 and glow in the dark uv aqua blue powder for £7 so that's 100 4" realistic swimmers for £27. The average price for plastic lures that size in a packet of 4 is around £6-7 so that's around £50, I'm making double that for £27, and the 3d printed mold I bought cost me £10 that I can keep using over and over for years.
what is the name of the baits you were making in the video
That such amogos I am from Mexico from Tuxpan Veracruz do not sell that smaller mold in 4 inches I am interested master hopes I can help a cordial greeting I leave my email netjess2090@gmail.com greetings
Wow you’re website has some great swim baits
How much you charge per bait? What scent you use?
Smash that bait
Can't save money, spoken like a true businessmen. Keep buying from me tho! Lol
Which model of swimbait is this one and what size?
Saw these two at a seminar before a high school bass tournament. Two great guys and me and my dad are huge fans of the channel. Just saying thank you.