With Texas currently experiencing it’s worst freeze ever, I figured the only appropriate turn back Tuesday video would be to the time I joined Heath Taylor for some winter bass fishing in the coldest Texas water I’ve ever seen…. til now! Thanks for watching!
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Smashtech Custom Baits- https://smashtechbaits.com/
Lew’s Reels- https://www.lews.com/casting
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I thought Monticello was closed down where you couldn't get on it?
Itβs so hard for me to watch this guy… he interrupts every thing anyone says ugh he would drive me insane
This video was two days ago…. it got worse than that! Lol
Hey billy, when you fish the prespawn/spawn hollow body technique, the one the kid caught the 13lber, are you throwing that straight down the gut of a creek? Pinch points? Drains? All of the above? Lol. Thanks!
Heath throwing a jig!?!? Cold-water grinding! Love it…
This snow is just setting you up for bussbait fishing at 50degree water temp.this was the show taping I met you last year Jan.Loren from Kansas
A Walk down the cold memory lane! ππ
My PB AT THE TIME WAS IN 1989 JUST AFTER THE COLDEST FRONT i HAD EVER SEEN IT HAD BEEN VERY CLOSE TO THE SAME as it has been now water temp was 41 I caught the 11.44 in 6 ft of water on a spinner bait
Saw some pictures of Fork frozen over this past week… These temperatures have been crazy.
cypress springs, spot heaven
Great video! What day did you guys film this?
1st whatβs up billy