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Lake Fork Bass Fishing in the Winter: Jigs in Below Freezing Temps

Today we go bass fishing on Lake Fork in frigid winter conditions… again!!! Can’t buy a break on filming day here lately but we were able to grind out some really nice bass today so I hope y’all enjoy it!

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Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. Billy were you and Timmy Rhodes tied up when your guys were catching all these fish or did you have a spot lock on. I always wonder if it is more effective to tie up when really trying to throughly fish an outside creek channel?

  2. It’s crazy how good the shallow bite is this time of year if that sun is out, we caught the snot out of em in 42 degree water and 12 degree air temp on a 3 ft deep flat off a river channel on lake eufala last week.

  3. I heard you state the air temperature but if you stated the water temperature I missed it thanks, and your “PIC” appears to be a humble man and a expert angler he should come back for more fishing with you.

  4. Mad Props ,fishing the cooold!! I was out there 3am 30 degrees….Cant seem to catch em! I get stuck on that reaction bite and don't slow down enough…is that a creek channel bend in about twenty foot of water??

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