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Great video man! Don’t know if you saw it, but Ryan Salzman (finished 14th in the knockout round) said he basically watched your channel exclusively to prepare for the tourney, and he fished his a$$ off!!! That’s a pretty great testament to the quality of information you are so graciously sharing with your viewers.
So what your saying is Mid March fishing trip from Kansas should be a good time?
Billy, this is a no BS story right here….Live on Lake Palestine and watch all your videos religiously! Wife and I just got back from a trip to Key West and while there hired a guide. When I was telling him where I was from, he had not heard of Lake Palestine, so I said (as I do a lot) we are an hour south of Lake Fork. He said, "yea I know where that it, I watch a dude on YouTube that's a guide there"…I said Billy Lawson and he was "yep that's the dude, badass dude, I watch all his stuff" Keep in mind this is a saltwater guide! Talk about some reach for your channel, keep up the good work and get down here to your little brother's lake and say hello!
Is your seminars at Lake Fork Marina every Friday evening?
Great video hope the fish perform for the event
Rain coming in will be warm rain. Gonna be insane
Very good B LAW, got me excited just listening to you, of course I don’t fish Lake Fork just Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend. This being Feb. 16, it was
in the 60’s this morning but, we will have wind gusts of 40 plus today. Not ideal fishing conditions, but it will get safer before long!!! Thanks
Do you fish Coffee creek much? I've only fished lake Fork once, and I caught 2 nice bass over there across the way from the boat ramp.
Sounds like lake Fork is about to Get hit Hard! How Does a Big tournament like that Effect the Fishing for Locals?
Good video Billy!
19th is Saturday
Hey just FYI You need the sun in your face to video. Good content sir