We visit Lake Fork Marina today for a bass fishing tackle shopping spree to find the best baits for the Berkley big bass tournament this weekend! Thanks For Watching!
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Book a guided trip at- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/
Be sure to enter the code yourlakeforkguide for a 10% discount on . https://6thsensefishing.com/
Waterland Eyewear, enter the code yourlakeforkguide for a 10% discount- https://www.waterlandco.com
Smashtech Custom Baits- https://smashtechbaits.com/
Striker Raingear- https://strikerbrands.com/collections/adrenaline
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Bass on baby that bud was elite bro my vids are just starting to look good I am a kid so I used to be super cringe your vids are amazing bro can’t wait for the next i like these types of vids!!
I agree with all your selections brother! Thanks for your tips and remember your life is as good as it is cause of our heavenly father! God bless you brother
Meet you there tomorrow at Noon, I'm buying lunch!
Shop there all the time. Love the facility and the nearby restaurant. Good vid Billy. I plan to come up weekend after tournament got a spot in nearby line oak. Keep thinking I’ll run into you. Take care
You got buddy
Can I apply for a job there, I'm moving to east Texas soon…? Oh, do you sell that shirt brother?
One of my favorite shops!