Lots of rain has certainly kept us on our toes this year here at Lake Fork! The bass fishing while really productive for big bass has been challenging to stay on consistent patterns of numbers of fish. Well today you get to see that the struggle can be very much real in the Dark Knight Skeeter!
Amphibia Eyegear- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/online-store
Fish Lyfe App iPhone app store version- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fish-lyfe/id1436252407?mt=8
Fish Lyfe App Android version here- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.v1510n.waypoints
Fish Lyfe App, Web Based Version for all device types including iPhones- https://www.fishlyfe.net/
Book a guided trip at- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/
Be sure to enter the code yourlakeforkguide for a 10% discount on . https://6thsensefishing.com/
Smashtech Custom Baits- https://smashtechbaits.com/
Like my Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/yourlakeforkguide/?eid=ARBwEODkbReQ7GV3arhbvJqw1Fv5EYHOVTfONE1N3b6AI26TYOoxXGSgXPBGw25v1M_RW3INKijpA8QX
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Still caught some on the frog guys!
Loving the video! I need to make my way out there again to find my double digit bass!!
Way better format. Shorter video makes me wanna watch more
"Ze-ro". Billy the ball buster 😄
So you were on the lake Saturday. I saw McFarland by the marina when we came to weight in the only over of the tournament. Thanks to your videos and the app we won that tournament so thanks for your service and your knowledge